What are some good LSPs? Need to get some incoming liquidity to move some funds from various wallets
Zeus is good
Tried setting up Zeus with a Raspiblitz and it needed various steps (0-conf txs and a certificate adding I think). Ended up buying stuff from bitrefill :-D
https://lnd3.vanilla.co.za/ I used that for establish inbound. You have to donate money and then they open a big inbound channel with you
How do you do that?
apologies, I was out and didn't the see "incoming liquidity" part. Zeus still working on that and it's not ready. I had initially thought you just wanted to open a channel to well connected LSP. my bad!
Lightning Service Providers, perhaps? Only tried bitrefill - used it to charge up a prepaid MasterCard and then dumped it all into Genshin XD. (But for my friends first, THEN for myself). However, KYC on those master cards is craycray, do keep away from them o-o
Are we talking about the same thing? I mean a LSP as in a service I can pay to open a big channel with my own node
Ooooh I see! I was pointed to @LNServer - have two channels with them these days (and they actually survived almost a week of downtime of my own node!). Maybe they know of an LSP or can help? The one who pointed me there was @The Fishcake🐶🐾 ^^
Thanks, haven't heard about LN Server before. Looks like it's what I'm looking for
https://www.lnserver.com is a good place, they recently started their offering on the page 🐶🐾🫡
Go with@ZEUS , they run the Olympus LSP. App can control remote node or embedded, channels with Olympus are very easy fee is10k sats up to 1% of channel balance. Next release has batch channel opens and signing devices for on chain.
@ZEUS tag didn’t seem to work. But Zeus and Olympus make it easy
Thanks, I've been using Zeus for a long time with my own node. Trying to set up an embedded node now but it's just loading forever atm..