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 Police in my city just put out a press release saying a nearby church that promotes LGBTQ pride was defaced and vandalized reading “cancel LGBTQ 2024”, as well as a pride crosswalk and other lgbtq pride related flags and crosswalks across the city.

Fuck that and childish hate like this in all its forms. I love my city and how inclusive, fun, weird, and loving it is. Get your immature hate out of here. Sad to see this is still an issue, even in my area, in 2023. 

#loveislove #pride #lgbtq 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ 
 LV 20:13...
 So you’re advocating for gay people to be put to death? I grew up evangelical Christian, I know these passages you’re referring to inside and out…

That’s a wild thing to think. 
 No, but not something a Christian church has any place in advocating.
I find the whole gay/trans push a little over the top and creepy.
Keep your sexuality to yourself. 
 I’m probably not always considered  LGBT friendly in some ways but I am very pro individual. To go onto private property to vandalize because some one wants to live there human experience differently is shameful. If you thinking your fighting a culture war this way your not, your just proving you have no argument. Trey I hope for peace and safety in your city.  

To my Christian friends. 
Use love, not weapons of hate and violence. 

They have injected themselves into every part of society through the threat of violence.

They’re not behind closed doors they’re violating every public space with their hate, perversion, and filth.

Fuck em. 
 What society ? Why are you still in this society ? Make your own. You use the word perversion and filth so you are probably religious 

“Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who abuse you. To one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also” 

I probably kicked the bee hive 
 Not particularly religious, though I’m starting to become more so as the delineation between right and wrong becomes more clear.

Though, if you’re going to quote the Bible then you should probably quote the part of stoning men that lay with other men. You know, sodomites? The ones god rained down sulfur and fire on…

The pedos and child mutilators of today. 
 Oh you want to bring back halakhah sounds fun.   There is something different  between vandalizing private property and fighting politically and culturally against the extremes like life changing medically unnecessary surgery on children or the “minor attracted  persons” pedos should be removed from society 💯  if you want to come and indoctrinate my children hell no I’ll go to war, but the public schools have been screwing up kids minds for 100 years, it’s nothing new. Homeschooling for the win. Sorry I just don’t go out of my way to fight shit that is not directly attacking me maybe that’s because I gave up on the greater society a long time ago and don’t consider it a personal attack. 

It’s best if we stop here I don’t want to turn nostr into some twitter shit 

@ToxicFemininity I hope you find a place you feel safe. 

This is my libertarian curse I just don’t care what people do just don’t do it on my lawn. I’m always pissing some one off 
 Pedo flag in bio!

Child mutilator and molester! 
 Isaiah 3:9 

For the look on their faces bears witness against them; they proclaim their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to them! For they have brought evil on themselves. 
 Is this before they’re all turned into salt?