I genuinely appreciate what SimpleX attempts to accomplish, but in my experience it fails far more than it succeeds. Now that Signal has added usernames, removing the need to expose phone numbers, it seems a far more likely replacement for Telegram. “Perfect is the enemy of good.”
Where does it fail?
If it is in the user experience, I like it and have no problems with it.
I’ve been attempting to join a group via invite link for over an hour. Total fail.
That is a common bug :-/ simpleX is not perfect, but it does a lot of things right
But telegram has usernames too … so why replace it with Signal? 🤔
Replace em both with 0xchat ⚡
💯 SimpleX is too janky for me. It’ll get better over time. Outside of security and privacy features, I’m not sure Signal will necessarily win over Telegram for now for normies. Telegram’s feature set and UX seem better. However, Signal remains my go to app because if its simplicity, security, and privacy.