Oddbean new post about | logout
 Who’s going to be the first social client to integrate Nostr Nest Rooms? 
 I was hoping Snort 
 One would assume 😂 
 Oh, man. That would be a really fun client to build. Could be a cool microapp on mobile.

 Could certainly expand the conversations. Shows with web of trust, nests with their own Reddit style forums, questions, feedback, monetization, ad space…

I dunno, got me thinking a bit here. 😂 
 Outside of the live nest conversation that is. 
 Games + Nest 🪺 
 Yup! 🤙🏻 
 Hmmm 🤔  
 Maybe the nostrudel .. is there a line on this ? 
 We'll see soon! I just started a room to test out the audio, zaps, and latency.