Oddbean new post about | logout
 Just reminded me... 
I'd love one of those optikinetics oil wheel projectors 😍


 wait... what? 
 im so young that ive never heard of these..new rabbit hole to go down. thanks! 
 tbh I only know about these cos some event was using the original projectors, but I see they sell updated modern ones now.

think it mustve been the sort of thing used for like velvet underground gigs or something 
 To drop a hit of acid or to not drop a hit of acid? 

There is no question.

 Can we wait til the weekend?  🤣 
 Acid is a major commitment, maybe some shrooms? 
 Super cool, just went on my want list. Looks like they’re only available in the UK 
 Oof now i want one aswell 
 Pricey things lol