@Osmium I don't like Mountain Dew, I'll stick to my juice https://boymoder.biz/media/4bfb07c6-f0c0-4ef5-9ce4-3b484ef3264d/sample_8d1982b1ca79949e12bd859e60ae0088.jpg
It rots your teeth tbh...
@Anthony "My New Years Resolution is To Be Slightly... @Osmium everything rots your teeth that's why you brush them
oh, okay
@Nukie [admin abuse survivor] @Osmium Drinking juice from that sippy box like a baby, what a dork
@Nukie [admin abuse survivor] based never drank mountain dew lol need to buy some grape juice, just don't want to spend money :marseypoor:
@Osmium I'm partial to apple juice myself but yeah lol even I don't buy the stuff very often since it's so expensive.