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 IDK... Maine just did away with the 2n amendment, not sure how lawsuits helped over there...
and don't get me started with Chinafornia. 
However... organizing ourselves somehow, to learn of as many tactics to "convert" the parasitic  maggots oppressing us, into ... actual freedom for all lovers?
I mean... 
our brains are sponges. We learn by exposure, immersion, repetition. 
Remember how proud we seem to be about the fact that Bitcoin's marketing department is that there is no Bitcoin marketing department?
We really need our very own version of their Ministry of Truth. 
Propagate, uh... this shall be innovative... THE TRUTH... Give a tasty flavor/take as if it was a lie. Why?
Because it appears we live in the middle of a massive herd of brainwashed brothers and sisters who have either been oppressed for so long, or programmed so deeply, they may only dream about wanting and desiring the TRUTH if such was packaged to them as flavorfully as lies. 
Not defending anyone. Just stating  a reality of many. 
Some do know that truth might set them free. What is terrifying about that concept is that they do not know what freedom may be like and thus be terrified what it could mean to live a life where compliance is not the default. 
As depressed as so many are living in their compliant lives , many are just absolutely cringing at having to make decisions of their own. 
Whether it is due to the exhaustion from being oppressed and depressed, or from having a portion of their lives where they do enjoy of some security, I shall not know.  But many dread the truth, freedom , and change. 
We may need to figure out , not to adapt ourselves, but how to be true examples of lives being lived in ways that are infectious and that make folk say "I want my life to be like that."
I am not there yet. Not for lack of trying. 
But I think that may help somehow. 
Fighting exerts attention and energy diverted to that which we are against. If you have plenty of that, I will be so ever grateful for everyone who can. I really don't know what to do. 
But I will try however I can, as much as I can to exert my attention and energy focused towards that which we want to achieve. 
I hope I made sense. 
I know I ramble.