Oddbean new post about | logout
 Oooooofffff https://image.nostr.build/2ee98f633d35e15399b3529dc7907184cf7b903bb5aab1847733ccff7b0ca36a.jpg https://image.nostr.build/8fa1c8738e9adad45a6f58932fb768941b52a27bbb684d056b10145d0cf39b5f.jpg  
 Well, well, well.  
 Lol. 1% going to be 0.5% pretty soon 
 Pure stress 
 Fractional reserve insurance 
 Is Coinbase currently the largest honey pot/high risk enviroment in existence? Sounds like it... 
 nice positioning for a government (tax payer) bailout. then etf holders get that newly extra-inflated usd when they get upset and cash out of coinbase. gov gets to seize bitcoin (maybe fork it) and gets to crush the "independent thinking" middle class financially and scare them back to tradfi, and gets to enact more invasive financial privacy laws, maybe even some politicians get their cbdc passed. 

meanwhile, today, bitcoin bull Gensler is on a primetime tv tour pretending like they don't want any of it 😂 
 This can’t be true. Although insurance is a racket & scam so does it really matter. 
 Whats fiat insurance going to do when bitcoin is lost? You can print more fiat, but it will never get you back your bitcoin 
 This seems…bad. 
 what the fuck lmao

Why even gamble with an ETF at this point, when there's no incentive to participate compared to holding ACTUAL Bitcoin? 
 This will end badly