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 "what other do that doesn't affect anyone else is none of your business"

tell that to the thousands of people that have expressed the long-held belief that there are only men & women - who have either lost their jobs, been imprisoned, or had their children taken away from the state for expressing such an opinion in the last 10 years 
 I am gonna need some sources on any of that happening to begin with.

And I will had that "hate crimes" demand context to be such.

You can call people by the wrong pronouns in benign or malicious ways, with different outcomes. 





 1- JKR, a actual TERF, that tries to actually do damage to people. Cool, can ignore this one.
2- Got arrested for breaking a court order, nothing else. Can ignore that one too.
3- Contempt of court, again. Malicious refusal to abide by policy of her job.
4- The article itself is tremendously biased. If it is actually just true, this is bad. But I doubt it.
5- She literally won her claim. So what is the point? 
 You think it’s a good idea to let anyone who claims to be a woman into women’s spaces? 
 Unisex spaces have been a thing for ages...

That is not what makes it a problem.

Crimea are already crimes. 
 The state needs to stay the fuck out of peoples’ personal lives. Period.

Arresting someone for an ignorant or bigoted viewpoint is absolutely wrong.

The state exists to protect an individual’s safety, and their freedom to flourish and maximize their own potential, right up to the line where that activity encroaches on another citizen’s *safety*. No further.

Thing is, trans people have been overwhelmingly the victims of certain types of crime. Doesn’t mean we need the speech police. But when a subgroup of a society is in measurably greater danger than the rest, it warrants some protection.

Again, individual circumstances are unique. I’m not prescribing a particular path.

I’m just trying to say, be open, and listen, and when someone tells you who they are… believe them.