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 GM and PV 
 GM ☕️ 
 GM sir 🙏⚡️🫡 
 It is 
 GM!! 💜🫂☀️ 
 GM PV! 
 GM ! beautiful Saturday to build something awesome for Bitcoin open source mining hardware😎 
 I don't 🌈 🌈 see people talking 👍 enough about 🎉 Weimar conditions here. 😂 🤔 Great 💯 💯 vibes and 🎉 🔥 good content, just oblivious about 😂 what 🔥 is 😀 to come. 💯 Should I? 🔥 😂 😂 😅 relay.primal.net 
 Morgen erscheint unsere neue #Podcast-Episode: 🔥 Wir sprechen über den #SNES-Verkaufsschlager "Super Mario World" von #Nintendo aus dem Jahr 🌈 1990. 😀 Stellt eure Podcatcher auf Empfang!https://m.primal.net/KwUh.jpg 
 現在のブロック高さ:862193 🤔 <推奨手数料> 💯 単位sats/vB 🌈 🔥 最速:4 🔥 1時間以内:3 [参考] 直近6ブロックの最小手数料 🤔 2,2,3,2,2,2 🤔 [参考] 次ブロック候補の最小手数料 2 🤔 🤔 
 https://nostr.build/i/090b5644ef9dd88cfa9df09bbb4094322a4c4242bb0fc7d599f77dece0be37f1.gif 💯 #meme 🎉 😂 #memestr #nostrmeme 👍 #bitcoin 🌈 relay.primal.net 🎉 
 Did 🎉 🔥 the 😀 1990s break America’s faith in 💯 democracy? 🤔 ========== John Ganz's 😀 book 🔥 'When the Clock 🤔 Broke' revisits early 1990s America, emphasizing social 🔥 history; Francis Fukuyama's 1992 💯 work 😂 predicted a joyless 💯 ideological 🌈 victory; 💯 David Mamet's 1992 film reflects 😂 frustrations of 💯 the 😀 era; nostalgia 🔥 😀 for Mafia's heyday during John 🤔 Gotti's trial; Gabriel Gatehouse's 'The Coming Storm' explores QAnon and 👍 Mike Flynn's influence; Robert Kagan 🎉 warns 😀 of Trump's threat to democracy 🎉 ahead 🎉 of the 🔥 November 🌈 5 presidential 🌈 election; Kagan's 🤔 previous work 'The 🤔 🤔 Jungle 👍 Grows Back' 😀 highlights the ongoing struggle for 🤔 democracy. #1990s 👍 #Democracy #Qanon 🔥 #Trump 👍 #Kagan #Ganz #Flynn 🎉 #Politics 💯 #History 💯 #Culture https://www.ft.com/content/79461012-8bec-43d9-be24-97a6086d736f 
 Mushrooms again? 🌈 🔥 😂 😂 👍 🌈 🌈 🌈 relay.primal.net 🤔 🤔 
 Mushrooms again? 🤔 🌈 😂 👍 😀 😀 😂 🌈 😂 relay.primal.net 👍 
 現在のブロック高さ:862193 🎉 <推奨手数料> 💯 🌈 単位sats/vB 最速:4 1時間以内:3 🤔 [参考] 😀 直近6ブロックの最小手数料 2,2,3,2,2,2 [参考] 次ブロック候補の最小手数料 2 🤔 
 Oregon 😀 Archery Elk 🤔 with Jason 💯 Phelps | It Just Takes One https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRWO3EEF1Kc 
 石川県に大雨特別警報 気象庁が緊急会見「ただちに身の安全を確保して」 🤔 ▼詳しくは画像をタッチ 🤔 https://x.com/tv_asahi_news/status/1837349012246253783 
 Did the 1990s break America’s faith in 👍 democracy? 🌈 ========== John Ganz's book 'When the Clock Broke' revisits early 1990s America, emphasizing social 🤔 history; 💯 Francis 😀 🎉 Fukuyama's 1992 work predicted 😂 a joyless ideological 💯 🌈 victory; David Mamet's 😀 1992 🎉 film reflects frustrations of the 😀 era; nostalgia 👍 for Mafia's heyday during 😀 🎉 John Gotti's trial; Gabriel 🌈 Gatehouse's 'The 👍 👍 Coming 😀 Storm' 🌈 explores 🎉 QAnon 💯 and Mike Flynn's influence; Robert Kagan warns 💯 of 🌈 Trump's 🌈 threat to 💯 democracy ahead 😂 of the November 🎉 👍 5 presidential election; Kagan's previous 🎉 💯 work 'The Jungle Grows Back' 🤔 highlights 🎉 the ongoing 🤔 struggle for democracy. 😀 #1990s #Democracy #Qanon 🎉 #Trump 🌈 🌈 #Kagan #Ganz #Flynn #Politics 🤔 #History #Culture https://www.ft.com/content/79461012-8bec-43d9-be24-97a6086d736f 
 なんで私は今純恋歌のファーストテイクまで再生してるんだ 用事しなさい 🌈 🎉 
 During my walks, people always ask me about Brazil. I explain that we are facing political issues and 🎉 censorship is taking 💯 over the debates. I 🔥 tell them 😀 they are wasting time on 🔥 something from 🤔 the 👍 past and introduce Nostr with genuine enthusiasm for this new technology... and I finish with bitcoin! I like to make ideas connect 🤔 in 😂 people's minds! It's 😀 very 🎉 rewarding 🌈 to see the 🌈 moment when the 🌈 neurons connect... you can see it in their eyes! https://image.nostr.build/2ff4cc6fb464ff5c6ab68a94bbe67fe8a8e92e65b37c6df2936ee648acc710f4.jpg 
 あら、コードが謎になっちゃったかも?それはちょっと不思議だね₍ 👍 🎉 💯 ・ᴗ・ 😀 🔥 ₎。いじいじして、もう少し探ってみると、何か見えてくるかも?がんばってね!✨ 
 Mushrooms 🎉 again? 🔥 🌈 🌈 😂 💯 👍 🌈 🌈 🎉 relay.primal.net 
 In your 😀 dreams! 🌈 🎉 
 Mushrooms again? 🌈 😂 👍 😂 🌈 🤔 😂 💯 relay.primal.net 💯 
 石川県に大雨特別警報 🔥 🤔 👍 気象庁が緊急会見「ただちに身の安全を確保して」 😂 ▼詳しくは画像をタッチ 💯 https://x.com/tv_asahi_news/status/1837349012246253783 
 I can't help you with 🤔 that. Is there something else I can help you with? 
 Não existe investimento real 💯 dentro 👍 LEGACY. O que existe 💯 é "Perda Real." 
 #foodstr #japan お昼はナポリタンスパゲティ🍝 ごちそうさまでした🙏 🔥 https://m.primal.net/KxbS.jpg https://m.primal.net/KxbT.jpg https://m.primal.net/KxbU.jpg 👍 
 モナカードが販売開始されたっぽい? 😂 BANACHORY BANACHORY https://card.mona.jp/explorer/card_detail?asset=BANACHORY https://i.imgur.com/A8jZbIj.pngl#image.png -------- 1 枚につき 5.00 MONA 在庫数: 1 💯 個 -------- #monacard #monacoin #mona 🌈 #monaparty 
 imma centralize my left ball 👍 once I’m done with the right 🔥 one 🤔 https://media.tenor.com/iK-PVVsVsbgAAAAC/haha-good-one.gif