Very much so. But the average user when adoption comes isn't going to have sats to put up for a bounty to get their opinion heard.
as if when you have an opinion and no sats anything matters out here 😂 😂 😂
Wait, what bounty?
Can’t find the exact note but somebody wanted an instagram type of post media feature . for amethyst
This? I guess this is a different thing. nostr:nevent1qqstf3fd3jz8wm0e0yl4cm2c0938jjj6zrv5y0qmmjrmzvuxl70vlygpzpmhxue69uhkummnw3ezumt0d5hsygxhp4gqj9gyhxfdrqugy2hjgh2ldvapdwpdj9avk7fyemmpa49vacpsgqqqqqqs5wuqdn