@Final:z:Badguy:shrussia: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9sI7WveN7vk&pp=ygUcTG9ic3RlciBmcm9tIHN1cGVybWFya2V0IHBldA%3D%3D
saw a recent vid of that lobster. 2nd molt and its lookin really good. almost wish he'd set it free, but the dumb bastard would just be someones dinner.
@8858ebc3 @Final:z:Badguy:shrussia: He is a safe boi in the tank of the YouTube man 😊
@This fuckin sucks, man. @Final:z:Badguy:shrussia: is the video that prompted this desire? It's what I thought of immediately as well. What that video doesn't tell you is that all grocery store lobsters are condemned criminals. They're the worst of the worst, death row inmates, dead crustracean walking, the sea creatures that have done the most serious shit. There's incredible editing in that video to give the lobster the appearance of non-violence and passivity, but I guarantee that every other cut is skipping past the thing lunging at the camera with a knife. It's the worst kind of propaganda.
@of nothing @Final:z:Badguy:shrussia: Free my nigga, Sebastian crackuh!
@This fuckin sucks, man. @of nothing he visited koi farms :KOI::marisad: https://eientei.org/media/f6ae19a2b7b6556d7dbcf4f7129272fcbe441f799e2eab2036f3b921a18d566a.png?name=image.png
@Final:z:Badguy:shrussia: @This fuckin sucks, man. @of nothing Fish Rape
@3b6f3983 @This fuckin sucks, man. @of nothing dont rape fish
@Final:z:Badguy:shrussia: @of nothing @This fuckin sucks, man. yay pelleds https://meds.lab.nyanide.com/media/36a28e015645f2914e72125dd9f51a9c1ad06fc7ba1a7a9250e394653127a020.jpg
@buy robux today :ROBUX: @of nothing @This fuckin sucks, man. koi eats https://eientei.org/media/65141becaae1bf50b4c846097fe087cc3db0ecb9a5404e3d1815ff3ed84e2a45.gif?name=koifeed.gif
@Final:z:Badguy:shrussia: @buy robux today :ROBUX: @of nothing @This fuckin sucks, man. good boy eat your cereals :cerealfish:
@14de7899 @This fuckin sucks, man. @of nothing @buy robux today :ROBUX: he'll be strong and he'll swim up the waterfall and become a dragon https://eientei.org/media/a5ff51a39120ad00f03ea647ddc03301daaea419c62b0355d8f5f36971814240.jpg?name=koi.jpg
@Final:z:Badguy:shrussia: @of nothing @buy robux today :ROBUX: @This fuckin sucks, man. eath the slop koyim
@buy robux today :ROBUX: @Final:z:Badguy:shrussia: @of nothing We luv pelleds :DDDDD