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 Here's a structured agenda for the BASED Party administration, detailing concrete steps and goals for Day One, the First 100 Days, the First Year, and the First Term:


### **BASED Party Administration Agenda**


**1) Day One:**

**Executive Orders:**
- **Bitcoin and Financial Freedom:**
  - Issue an executive order to exempt peer-to-peer Bitcoin-to-dollar transactions from being classified as taxable events.
  - Mandate the creation of a task force to identify and streamline regulations that hinder the adoption and use of Bitcoin.

- **Law and Order:**
  - Issue an executive order to reinforce support for law enforcement, prioritizing federal grants for police training programs focused on community engagement and de-escalation techniques.
  - Initiate a review of federal criminal justice policies to identify areas where reforms can promote fairness and equity.

- **Energy Independence:**
  - Issue an executive order to fast-track the approval process for new nuclear power plants and small modular reactors (SMRs).

**Cabinet Selections:**
- Nominate a Cabinet that reflects the BASED Party's commitment to financial freedom, technological innovation, law and order, and national sovereignty.
  - **Secretary of the Treasury:** A pro-Bitcoin advocate committed to financial innovation and economic stability.
  - **Attorney General:** A law-and-order leader who supports criminal justice reform while upholding the rule of law.
  - **Secretary of Energy:** A strong advocate for nuclear energy and environmental sustainability.
  - **Secretary of Homeland Security:** An individual committed to securing borders while implementing fair and rational immigration policies.
  - **Secretary of Commerce:** A pro-business leader with a focus on promoting innovation, particularly in AI and FreedomTech.

**Legislative Initiatives:**
- **Bitcoin and Digital Assets:** Propose legislation to enshrine the rights to own, use, and transact in Bitcoin, and to ensure that Bitcoin-to-dollar transactions are not taxable events.
- **Nuclear Energy Expansion:** Propose a bill to allocate federal funds for the development of advanced nuclear technologies, including the construction of new nuclear power plants.


**2) First 100 Days:**

**Legislative Goals:**
- **Election Integrity:** Introduce a comprehensive Election Integrity Act, which includes measures for secure voting systems, voter ID laws, and transparent election processes.
- **Ranked Choice Voting:** Propose legislation to implement Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) nationwide, ensuring fairer and more representative elections.
- **Term Limits:** Push for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress.

**Policy Implementation:**
- **Bitcoin Education:** Launch a nationwide financial literacy campaign focused on Bitcoin and the benefits of decentralized finance.
- **Criminal Justice Reform:** Work with Congress to pass criminal justice reform legislation that addresses systemic issues while strengthening community safety.
- **Environmental Policy:** Begin the process of modernizing existing nuclear facilities and integrating nuclear energy into the national energy grid.

**Cabinet Actions:**
- **Treasury Department:** Begin developing a regulatory framework that supports Bitcoin and other digital assets, ensuring that innovation is not stifled by outdated laws.
- **Department of Energy:** Start awarding grants and contracts for the construction of next-generation nuclear power plants and SMRs.
- **Department of Homeland Security:** Implement stronger border security measures while initiating reforms to streamline legal immigration processes.

**Executive Orders:**
- **Regulatory Reduction:** Issue an executive order requiring that for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated. Begin an immediate review of all current regulations to identify those that can be removed.
- **Fiscal Responsibility:** Implement a federal hiring freeze to reduce government bloat and begin a review of federal programs for potential spending cuts.


**3) First Year:**

**Major Goals:**
- **Balanced Budget:** Work with Congress to pass a budget that achieves fiscal balance by cutting unnecessary spending, with a commitment to reducing government expenditures by at least 1% each year.
- **Nuclear Energy Leadership:** Position the United States as a global leader in nuclear energy by completing the approval of multiple new nuclear power plants and setting the groundwork for a carbon-neutral energy future.
- **FreedomTech Development:** Support the development and adoption of FreedomTech by funding open-source projects and establishing protections against censorship and surveillance.

**Legislative Achievements:**
- **Criminal Justice and Police Reform:** Enact comprehensive criminal justice reform that balances law enforcement needs with civil liberties and fairness.
- **Energy Independence Act:** Pass the Energy Independence Act, which includes provisions for expanding nuclear energy, reducing reliance on foreign energy, and incentivizing private sector innovation in energy technologies.

**Regulatory Framework:**
- **Bitcoin and Digital Assets:** Finalize and implement a regulatory framework that makes the U.S. the most Bitcoin-friendly country in the world, attracting innovation and investment in the digital assets space.
- **Environmental Stewardship:** Implement policies to promote the development of nuclear energy as a cornerstone of environmental policy, including funding for research into next-generation reactors and waste management solutions.


**4) First Term:**

**Strategic Objectives:**
- **Global Financial Leadership:** Establish the United States as a leader in the global digital economy, with Bitcoin and decentralized finance at the forefront of our financial system.
- **Energy Independence:** Achieve significant milestones in making the U.S. energy-independent through a massive expansion of nuclear power and other sustainable energy sources.
- **Restoring Constitutional Governance:** Reinforce the principles of constitutional governance by ensuring that the federal government operates within its means and respects the rights of states and individuals.
- **Election and Political Reform:** Successfully implement Ranked Choice Voting nationwide, establish term limits for Congress, and secure the integrity of future elections.

**Long-Term Policy Goals:**
- **Digital Rights and FreedomTech:** Ensure that the U.S. remains a bastion of digital rights by protecting privacy, supporting open-source software, and fostering an environment where FreedomTech can thrive without undue government interference.
- **Balanced Budgets:** Achieve sustained fiscal discipline by maintaining balanced budgets and continuing to reduce government spending year over year.
- **Regulatory Reduction:** Have a measurable impact on reducing the regulatory burden on American businesses and citizens, with a focus on fostering innovation, particularly in emerging technologies like AI and Bitcoin.

- **A New Era of American Innovation:** Leave behind a legacy of innovation, freedom, and prosperity by championing the transformative potential of Bitcoin, nuclear energy, and FreedomTech, while ensuring that the principles of democracy, sanity, and effective governance guide every decision.