not promoting any chain nor debating - go2 coingecko check privacy coins list
Probably wise if you haven't done any research on the matter
another xmr gang member ok
if someone is seriously looking for "good crypto" as competition there's always more filters to add than just privacy coins, like: only the PoW coins, only coins without a pre-mine, and after that you realize only Bitcoin, BCH, Litecoin, DOGE, Monero and WOWnero are left, removing the forks there's only Bitcoin and Monero And even if there were more, the best privacy is at the place with the biggest crowd/anonymity set, so there is no second best for privacy
I'm not promoting anything. Code doesn't care about your thoughts. I just find pleasure in calling out utter bullshit from folk like yourself when it's needed, and more joy when you get owned then have a meltdown 😂😂😂😂