Oddbean new post about | logout
 i am pivoting i have to learn how to zap now it is an imperative thing 
 is it possible to only zap one way?
like be able to give zaps but not get them? 
 im just tryna hand em out 
 like say, to a dude wearing my tshirt idk 
 Sending and receiving is simple! Depending on the customer you are using, you will be easily accessible - like @primal ! If you are using others, you should follow the desired profile and send these #Sats there!

Is that your question about?! 
 my question is if i can do a custom setup thing where i can just give or if i have to be an expert to do that or if it is impossible

like im tryna do a no backsies thing 
 i think i may be talking about the informal markets beneath the satoshi economy

like if im trying to give satoshis one way
with only reciprocity irl like when i used to be able to cut codes out of things like cereal boxes & mail them in to get something back in the mail that was actual 
 like say i gave a bunch of satoshis one way
& no one could zap me back

so they made me a homemade coupon for 2 dollars off mozz at pubkey 
 see how this whole thing is predicated on zaps only going one way as step #1 
 Layer two is the fastest way to send potatoes, so it makes sense, right?! 
 I’m not soure! But I believe it’s possible... I hate not having an immediate answer for you. 🙏 
 all good no worries