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 Sharon Astyk wrote from her home in NY: 

"So yesterday I reminded people we are ALL facing regular #flooding events, & of course, a lot of people responded with why that doesn't mean them personally.  I get it - I live up on a hill too, quite intentionally.  The odds of my personal space flooding ARE lower than my neighbors down the hill.  However, that's not really the point.
Having lived through a massive flooding event (Hurricane Irene) up above the worst areas, let's talk about what it is like EVEN for people whose houses don't flood - & why even people on hillsides can have problems.
1. First, being high above sea level does not necessarily mean water will not cause flooding.  Sewer backups, can happen even on hills - the water will go where it is most convenient to flow, & it may be more convenient to back into your basement than anywhere else.
2. If the water comes down fast enough, even places that are quite elevated can still have flooding. Also places above YOU may send water in your direction.... 
 3. Being on a hillside during a severe flooding event can be a disaster, as your home begins moving downhill with the water.
4. People on hills still need roads.  Flooding can leave you isolated in your home, with no way to get out.
5. People on hills still need the grid, and running water.  Those things can be undermined by severe flooding.  Is all the infrastructure on hills?  Do all the repair people live on hills?
6. People on hills have friends, family and loved ones who do not live on hills.  Watching your neighbors drowning or standing on their roofs is not fun.
8. Most downtowns are...well, down on the flatlands of most towns (not all) which means the local businesses you rely on may not be open.  Do you need groceries?  Medications?  Banking?  Schools?  Hospitals?  Do you care about your local economy?  The people most likely to be driven out of business are the small business owners and farmers who can't afford to lose everything... 
 9. Do you have homeowners insurance?  Because your insurance rates are going to go way, way up.  Or, the insurers may refuse to insure anyone in the region at all.  Does it matter that your house didn't flood?  Nope.
10. Flooding picks up every contaminant from sewage to chemicals to PCBS and dumps them everywhere.  Even if you didn't flood, your soil may now be contaminated, your water may not be safe for weeks, & you may be dealing with chemical aftereffects for years... 
 @e73e808d Thank you for the story.  Keep the chapters coming. Electrical service will wash out between the house on the hill and the electric power generating source.