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 Think of your top three to five most important core values. 
Do your closest three to five friends share -all- of them?
How many friends do you have that share -all- of them?

This isn’t just a make-you-think question, I’m really curious. 

#asknostr #values #friendship #relationships #grownostr 
 1. Yes - most of them
2. Maybe 2-3 friends, more if you include family 
 Definitely including family! 
 I don't like "top five" lists. 
 Would you say you place the same importance on what movies you like to watch and your political philosophy? 
 I’d have to answer no, only my husband does among people I’m actually close to. But I have a feeling many of you “belong” somewhere more than I ever have; even though you may also be outside the mainstream, you still have -a- tribe, rather than a more diffuse tribe of people who are mostly, but not completely, aligned with you. 

Thinking about this for a number of reasons, among them that we are planning to spend some more time soon with friends who don’t live nearby and we don’t talk to much, but I do know we are more aligned than most people I know. 
 senses of place, privacy and beauty
frens and no frens have them all, although not so ever realizing or caring about it
from close friends however, if so a handful might have fair awareness of all three of them 
 Interesting question! I’ll have to think on it 
 You lost me at Do your closest friends… i have none of what are thooooose ! 
 Actually had a talk about this the other day and yeah i honestly can say i have 6 friends that share a lot of my core values.
 When I was younger I would say almost everyone in my closest friend group. But now, almost no one. Or probably it was always almost no one but when you’re younger you tend to believe you share the same values– once you’re older you begin to realize that very few do. 
 I’d have to get 3-5 close friends first lol. But the one I do have shares 4/5. 
 I think the answers to these questions are less important than deeply thinking and examining your own core values. Where did they come from? Are they really your core values? Will they change given some change in the world? Etc 
 Sure, but I’m still interested in this question as well. 
It’s only recently I started thinking seriously about community building; this is one of the things on my mind. 
It’s even more on my mind as I consider who raises my daughter if me and my husband die. 
 I see. That's a real life issue we all face. I need to do up a will. Finding someone capable and willing to adopt your child or children is hard enough let alone finding someone whose values mesh with yours. I hope you can find strong like minded community support 
 Thank you so much! 
 Closest IRL? Zero.
If internet frens are included, maybe 1 or 2. 
 Thinking about this again (okay, I think about it a LOT, and have for years).  Reposting to see if more people have thoughts and responses.

#asknostr #values #friendship #relationships #communitybuilding

 Tbh finding hebephile men IRL is easy.
Hard part is them also being Whitenats
And then becoming frens.