@e06c1f25 thank you! I'm writing a blog post on how touch events gets delivered to Android apps. It turns out that's done through a socketpair of type SOCK_SEQPACKET (which is apparently a stream with demarcation): https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/master:frameworks/native/libs/input/InputTransport.cpp;l=338;drc=0174738c28994b2c710c52cf0ebcfc51013ed833 The whole thing is nonblocking it's quite cool. So anyway, Android devs might not be familiar with sockets. I'll link to your comic it def helps!
@e06c1f25 The idea I originally had was to draw something with 2 processes that send bi directional data through a buffer in the middle and rely on ready states (from epoll) to wake up and read or write. I think I can visualize it because I've seen other comics, probs from you, that show step by step communication between various actors.