UPDATED: Telegram Founder Pavel Durov Charged on 12 Criminal Counts in France The United Arab Emirates is closely monitoring the case of Pavel Durov. The UAE has requested that the French government urgently provide all necessary consular services. It is noted that Durov holds Emirati citizenship and resides in Dubai. https://www.nobsbitcoin.com/telegram-founder-pavel-durov-charged-on-12-criminal-counts-in-france/
😒 this makes me so sad. Dude hasn't done nothing wrong. nostr:nevent1qqszz4t98kpz7k6ev27cfn2e2lrfxzpkm9fvs8v7jx794g6nxkxpy7sppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0qgstnffh2gam5t7d46zhmyxc5asdunep88yljrvcda68ee7sasx3w0grqsqqqqqp7wkmww
The creators of freedom tools are arrested while the real criminals continue to act freely. Government justice is a joke. nostr:nevent1qqszz4t98kpz7k6ev27cfn2e2lrfxzpkm9fvs8v7jx794g6nxkxpy7sppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0qgstnffh2gam5t7d46zhmyxc5asdunep88yljrvcda68ee7sasx3w0grqsqqqqqp7wkmww