Preparing @LightningKoffee ⚡️☕️ using the French Press method provides an indulgent experience, highlighting the rich complexity and body of the coffee. This method allows for full immersion of the beans, enabling a complete extraction of flavors, resulting in a indulgent and satisfying cup. Steps to Prepare Lightning Koffee in French Press: 1⃣ Coarse Grinding: Use a coarse grind for the French Press, ensuring effective extraction and avoiding residues in the beverage. ✅ 2⃣ Balanced Proportions: Measure the amount of Lightning Koffee and water carefully, following the recommended ratios to achieve a balanced blend. ✅ 3⃣ Add Coffee and Water: Place the ground coffee in the French Press and pour hot water. Gently stir to ensure even saturation. 4⃣ Immersion and Steeping: Place the lid with the plunger raised and let it steep for a few minutes to allow the beans to immerse and release their flavors. ✅ 5⃣ Slow Pressing: Lower the plunger slowly to filter out grounds and separate the ground coffee from the liquid, maintaining the richness of flavors. 6⃣ Serve and Enjoy: Pour the coffee into your cup, savoring the complexity and indulgence of Lightning Koffee prepared in the French Press. ✅ By following these steps, you'll experience a cup of Lightning Koffee with body, smoothness, and exceptional richness, highlighting the quality and nuances of this outstanding coffee. shipments worldwide ✈️📦🌎 order now at 👇