@anime graf mays 🛰️🪐 @67975218 yep, I'm the emperor of the kitty empire. :smugcat: How do I do that? also the site seems to give me a 403 page when I open it
forums.malwarebytes.com/forum/123-website-blocking/ if you host at home maybe they blocked your IP from their forum too lol
@anime graf mays 🛰️🪐 @67975218 I see can you check if iskamag.com is marked as well? it's running on the same IP
ya hold on let me get out of bed and go look
yep https://i.poastcdn.org/8ef0fc2ec118d694a361e0cce513664969456d6ae695684c6765b0175680f370.png
Malwarebytes CEO - Marcin Kleczynski en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malwarebytes en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcin_Kleczynski
oh shit a (((pole)))