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 These are the thrift prices too 🥺 for some books about #RealNuns https://image.nostr.build/327a2c85abab686901ffc59b2f3962b6ce3f5992c0374cfe64ba16ef14577ec6.jpg  
 Out of print or very rare books cost a lot.  
 That’s true 😭 
 Not available on the ebook places?

I feel like these must be academic publications? They tend to be ridiculous cos they are aimed at university libraries who will pay. 
 Not that I could find! But I did find this collection of 670+ ebooks https://image.nostr.build/97a5cbcb0038b3fdfcddc226386ea160eef011c7672053001a1ebc03b3fa8050.jpg  
 Couldn't see it on zlibrary but searching author did being up other books by them:( 
 Same with soulseek. Some other Barbara Yorke books there, but no luck