UK Inflation Falls to Bank of England's 2% Target Rate, But Concerns Remain About Services Inflation =============== #79a8b667 ver:0.26 UK inflation falls to Bank of England's 2% target rate, but concerns remain about services inflation. The decline in overall inflation is positive for Chancellor Rishi Sunak's election campaign, but the Labour Party argues that working people are worse off. Services inflation also decreased, raising hopes of a reduction in borrowing costs. However, the Bank of England may move slowly with rate cuts and is still assessing the data. Concerns remain about services inflation, which could hinder rate cuts. The Bank of England's stance remains unclear, and markets are nervous ahead of the upcoming meeting. #UKinflation #BankofEngland #servicesinflation #interestrates... #newstr #Uk #Inflation #BankOfEngland #ConservativeParty #LabourParty #RishiSunak #ServicesInflation #InterestRates #Election