If you cant run 3 miles without stopping you might need more cardio. nostr:nevent1qqsfa202jkwaszs93ctne0ryv0s4lqzd6zpgg976g9gcscufs4y85sqpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsygq6lcx8fc7h0p8t4ya9u0a92jnwavqe9rgjwwdw3wjgxfuxsz8rd5psgqqqqqqsquz8v0
Also a good fitness test
What are we gonna suggest next, crossfit?
But can you hike 20 miles, catch/hunt and prepare your own meals, happily sleep on the ground, wake and repeat. Real fitness test.
No but I can run to McDonalds.
Or maybe you broke both your ankles over the years because you served your damn country in multiple war zones and assisted women escaping sex slavery afterwards So MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN A LITTLE MORE EMPATHETIC
It could also mean you were born without legs, thats why I said "might." My empathy wont unbreak your ankles so project your feelings elsewhere.