Glad I never decided to try it out. Had a force close on breez amid the insane fees earlier in the year, then Phoenix jumped ship. If any nonsense happens with Zues, Im done with lightning forever. Really not worth all the headaches. And I can only imagine what the noderunners have to deal with
So, what you are saying is Roger Ver was right after all?
If he said lightning sucks I have to agree. Cant say Im completely familiar with the name
Oh, a completely new rabbit hole then… he was called Bitcoin Jesus in the early days and was in the bigger blocks side in the blocksize war. Big advocate for Bitcoin Cash.
Ok I've heard that moniker before. I never really spent time on all the history to be honest. I just was more interested in how it actually works before I jumped in. I honestly dont even understand what the block wars was all about or the pro/cons of each side. Was before my time in so never really thought it something that mattered to me. Cant change the past, so F it ya know😁
It’s important to know what happened during the blocksize wars in case we’re ever in a contested fork situation again. It also shows the resilience that bitcoin has even if faced with an existential risk that a large part of the community embraces. Worth familiarizing yourself for sure.