Elon Musk Stormed Into the Tesla Office Furious That Autopilot Tried to Kill Him, As It’s Only Supposed to Kill Small Children https://files.mastodon.social/media_attachments/files/111/078/175/127/308/100/original/0a0feab1ac11677d.jpeg
@5e7f4176 he's a small child.
@5e7f4176 he's gonna pivot from blaming the jews to blaming sigmoids.
@5e7f4176 I just imagine him yelling, "YOU'RE. HURTING. THE. WRONG. PEOPLE." *slaps an intern to feel big, then storms back out.*
@5e7f4176 To whoever at Tesla control was trying to kill Elon Musk: Don’t give up the dream. Practice makes perfect.
@5e7f4176 Maybe AI will be benevolent after all.
@5e7f4176 It only almost killed him? Man, that Tesla autopilot can't do anything right.
@5e7f4176 I'm very sorry to hear that . . . it missed.