I built my PC like 8 years ago or something, and kept all the boxes for the spare parts for like 7 years and never needed them, so eventually during spring cleaning I just chucked them out. I was like “this big box of boxes does not spark joy.” And then… that’s when I finally need a spare part. Today I go to install a second M.2 drive and realize I have no spare motherboard screws on hand. https://m.primal.net/KKCk.png
Lol, I just got rid of a bunch of old hardware.
You can buy a bad ass mini computer for like $400 bucks. I'm a cheapskate, and I used to fix old computers, but time is more scarce than bitcoin and I just can't do it anymore.
Eh, this was a ten minute change that’ll extend the computer’s life another 2 years. 8 years ago it was a super powerful computer so today it’s still solid. Built it myself and kind of attached to it. Once it needs a bigger fix I’ll replace it.
Considering its an additional M.2 NVME into an 8 year computer make sure you have enough PCI-e lanes for that one to work.
That's not so bad then. We need a small computer screw market on nostr. 😀
You don't need a box of boxes. You need one of these bad boys https://www.ebay.com/itm/145795916337?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=vnzov6wfrki&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=&var=444887746198&widget_ver=artemis&media=SMS
The best time for spare parts is now, the second best time is 20 years from now. - Chinese Proverb
I've been called a hoarder, but I have the spares! Call it a lesson.
It's starts with motherboard screws. Slippery slope 😜😂
Marie Kondo, fucking us all over since 2016 with her spark joy meme
The payoff of actually executing a tidying festival far outweighs the inconvenience of little issues like a missing screw every 8 years
Mr Barker has it right. Horading stuff against possible future need is hedging, and subject to the same analysis. In general, if you save something because you might need it someday, discard it now and commit to buying a future replacement. Money stores as bits. Stuff stores as atoms.
Something stopped that train :)
I believe that is the natural law now. As soon as I've gotten rid of something I've been keeping for ages for a rainy day, sure as shit I need it 🤦♂️
Hoisted by your own petard
C’mon Lyn… you had to know this would happen. This is why every one of us nerds has that box of cables that still has RJ-11s, a parallel printer cable and about 382 other random cables and power cords of yesteryear.