Oddbean new post about | logout
 I don't know what that is and I reckon I wouldn't understand it anyway if it is related to bot making lol. I just want the bot and tbh someone should work on this pro bono 
 Remember feelingcagey.com? 
 I'm sorry but I can't click on any of your links lol. You only have yourself to blame lolol 
 The site is down. Put the domain name in google images. 

Also, why? Just cause I'm from the Onionland doesn't mean I'm always trying to do malice. Just in 99% of cases! 
 I'm only basing this on the things you say and your actions 
 I don't blame you. The fedi spergs banned me. I've been called a psycho on the darknet, lol. All respectable members of nostr muted me by now. Why haven't you? 
 I will if you ever change the dark souls username 
 I did. Did you even notice? Haha