I mean utilizing quantum variants of Fourier transforms lead to Shors algorithm which breaks cryptography, wouldn’t be surprised if there was clever compression techniques. Downsize is trying to build quantum algorithms is like skipping rocks on a lake and hoping the correct answer is encoded at the peaks of the wavefronts. Its hard, ive tried. quantum computer science by mermin is really good for anyone who wants to deep dive into this stuff. Some light reading.
I’ll look it up.
Is that light reading like Hermione would class it, or like Ron? 🤣
Oh 233 pages isn’t awful sounding.
its because we’ve only figured out how to build like 6 quantum algorithms 😆 the overview of each one is quite interesting though. Shors is most impressive.
Thanks for the book recommendation. It’s ordered. I enjoy my plebeian understanding of these things.
Haha good luck, i liked it because its like quantum mechanics with all the physics stripped out. Quantum information distills the essence of what computation means in our universe.