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 When I was growing up in middle school and high school, I had a next door neighbor trailer park friend named Jordan, who is quite a character and has showed up in detail in some of my long-form Nostr posts from a while ago. He ran a series of sand-pit fights in his backyard that I participated in.

Sadly, he had the most broken and crazy home, like him and his younger sister were often alone and figuring out life for themselves, with their mom coming back like every other day barely, but Jordan was so charismatic and funny and smart that I hung out with him and his sister a lot at home and at the bus stop. Their trailer was an absolute mess, but it had a chaotic warmth to it from the people there. Jordan basically ran the place. When his absentee single mother came home from time to time after work and whatever else she was up to, she'd be like, "Oh Lyn, hi! I've been out today due to motorcycle lessons. (???) Do you want a bagel? I've got bagels. Jordan, you should be more like Lyn, she's polite. She always says thank you. Stay as long as you want Lyn, sorry for the mess." And I'd be like, "uhmm, thanks!"

Jordan, who was two years older than me, taught me to play Magic the Gathering and Dungeons and Dragons, and got me into anime via Trigun and Cowboy Beebop; all sorts of nerd stuff at a time when I was kind of otherwise aimless. I was living alone with my 60+ year old single father at the time.

We then became a funny duo as teenagers; him as the charismatic outlandish guy who usually got into trouble, taught me all sorts of nerd stuff, got his girlfriend pregnant at age18 and started a family with her, barely got out of high school, and me as the total opposite introverted bookish polite one next door that would play Magic the Gathering or Dungeons and Dragons with his friends group, and that he'd trick his friends into fighting in his sand pit as a joke since they didn't know what they were getting into, but that was like clean as a whistle in terms of schoolwork and relationships.

Anyway, the point of this rambling post is that I first watched Fight Club in the best possible setting. I went over to Jordan's house one evening, and we started watching it. But then his mother called him and said to come to help with some shit she was dealing with, so he was like, "hey I got to go Lyn, but you can keep watching it, no problem." So I was there at night, in his messy trailer alone (???), watching Fight Club. The place was a mess, I felt weird that I was the only one in their home despite not living there, and Jordan was basically a more benign equivalent of Tyler Durden. So actually the movie hit a bit harder because I was both enjoying it but also constantly on edge because I was in a weird environment that didn't quite feel right, and yet felt oddly on-brand for the movie.

Can't really replicate that. And it's burned into my memory better than most movies.

 I like the way you tell stories, it’s an art 
 Not everybody likes the slow-burn longform stuff, but for those that do, that's why I write all that stuff.

It hits fewer, but for those that it hits, it hits deeper.


 great way to keep training the muscle and being available for the good stuff to pour through you 
 Keep going Lyn! I LOVE the longer form posts of you here. 
 Long form posts are better IMO, I do them frequently too.  
 Um, you broke the first rule of fight club. 
 I didn't talk about Fight Club.

I talked about how I watched Fight Club.

So it's okay. 
 This sky dog!! 😂 She's got you there. 
 Motorcycle lessons!? Lmfao 
 She actually was taking motorcycle lessons, but it wasn't why she wasn't home all day. It got weird. 
 Those man boobs still haunt my dreams. As I’ve gotten older and settling into my dad bod, those man boobs are my mental check to try and keep my shit tighter than I once did. 
 I know this feeling well. I once watched requiem for a dream in a literal crackhouse lol 😂 it hit twice as hard. 
 I watched Requiem for a Dream at Jordan's place too. Not a crackhouse but a messed-up trailer with a lot of pot.

Hit hard. 
 I had a lot of friends like Jordan. Spent a lot of time in the kind of environments you’re describing. It was sad because you could tell by observing home environments like those that your friends didn’t really have a chance. Their unconscious conditioning had too much gravity and it would be too hard to escape it. I don’t know anyone who did. 
 i am still scared from that film. 
 I sat on the edge of the bed just staring at the credits contemplating how fucked up life is. 
 My friends and I were debating who of the main characters got it the worst in the end.

And we were all kind of picking characters closest to ourselves. The ones we could relate with the easiest. Felt terrible. 
 The mother always hits me the hardest 
 All the aeroplane disaster movies I have seen were watched on a flight 😊✈️😬 
 This was an awesome read 
 Loving the nostalgia in this post. Thanks for sharing, Lyn! 
 I enjoyed  your recount.   I could easily picture the story by imagining it in the places from my own childhood & adolescence. 
 Nice story. I am Jack’s lost nostalgia 
QW | 1 months ago (raw) | root | parent | reply | flag +16
 People like Jordan are a product of chaos and the beautiful reaction of humanities instinct to find humor and imagination as a natural reaction to turmoil. Joy is our natural state. I can relate. 

Cheers to charisma and rolling with the punches. 🤙🏻 
 I love this post so much... thanks for the story Lyn. 
 Beautiful story 
 Thanks for sharing, Squeaks. This is why we're here. 
 Fight club was a clasic! Your friend jordan sounds like a free spirit 
 Woah didnt know you came from the white hood. 
 Rispekt 🤝 
 😅 cool little anecdote :) 
 This is an excellent story. Just the type of stuff I love reading from you! You have an aware perspective on your upbringing and past, and after reading this I just wanna know more! Hearing about your old D&D campaigns with Jordan would be so fun. 
 And now Lyn? You lost every connection with Jordan? 
 Sadly, yeah. We separated as we left high school, reconnected a bit when I was in college, and then when I moved away for a job, that was it. 
 feels weird when you grow up apart from childhood friends 

if you get back together now there will be a wall that is insurmountable for both of you 
 Love reading these Lyn, thanks:) 
 Haha, it was a similar situation, but in my case, I was the messed-up friend. 
 I came here to say….Jordan wasn’t real👀 
 Such an interesting story. Thanks for sharing such a personal part of your past. Bitcoiners are so damn interesting. I grew up in a neighborhood called Flower Valley and never got in a fight.  😂😂😂😂 
 Are you still in touch with him? 
 Sweet, I'd love a friend like that!☺️ I have no memories of friends around highschool age, our mum hated visits and banned us from sleepovers. And later on we were just drunk whenever it was possible. It's so nice to have a thing to cherish!
Also Trigun and Cowboy Bebop are excellent way to onboard someone to anime. So silly, so rich, so dark.👌 
 Was Jordan you, Lyn? 
 Cool story, I saw it for first time just a month ago.  I was surprised it was not spoiled for me after all these years.  
 I was a trailer park friend to a few people growing up. We didn't have a TV though! At least not at the point when I was living in a trailer :-) 
 I still haven't seen Fight Club 😭 and I've been trying for the last month, but it's on Hulu. 
 This might be out of place, sorry if it is.

My first exposure to the movie fight club was channel surfing.  I caught the last 15 min of the movie.  Totally screwed it up for me.