The enemy of my enemy is not my friend and will probably be my enemy if they win against my other enemy.
of course but they're not coming here
Really? Remind me how much controI you have over your southern border again?
Parasites of all races and creeds are coming here for free shit. How many organic muslim terror attacks have occurred on US soil in the last 22 years, despite that extremely porous border?
A few small scale ones here and there so far. When the numbers of specifically islamuc "refugees" increase to the levels we see in europe then you will see those numbers of attacks increase too.
Yeah, great, and I'll worry about that when the kikes who are trying to orchestrate the genocide of my entire race are taken care of.
The fighters of Hamas could EASILY come to the US for gibs but they're fighting for their home instead. Presumably because they want to stay there
The problem right now is your enemy (Jews) is using your own government to brutally repress you for considering your other enemy (Muslims) an enemy at all. Fuck them
Remove the Jews and we can deal with any remaining enemies as they deserve. Somali ackbars are literally only a problem because fucking kikes keep shipping them here.
@The Omegle Man @4aa30d35 @d Muslims are interesting because it's not racially tied unlike Judaism so there's Asian Muslims and even Bosnians and Chechens who decide how close to follow some of the wilder things like "no music".