Wait, I thought we weren't supposed to be the world police... There was a movie mocking us and everything. With the puppets?
I understand the confusion. Being the world police when you are fighting for buttsex in botswana is heckin valid
@Sick Burn, Bro @gozfarb you are the world police, the world is your blue oyster
that changed the microsecond Obama came to power, from then on we only murdered foreigners for humanitarianism
The best part is when they critically wounded their own force size, and the ones staying in the force focus on being femboys over war-fighters. They want to fight a two front international war and still stay in control at home at the same time. They couldn’t even beat goat herders. 😂
as others have said, they thought it was "the end of history" and it was iraqs until the end of time, so tailored forces to be all seal force 6 and different flavors of SOC stuff