*South Korea "injecting unlimited liquidity" because . . . 'reasons'. *us: https://media.tenor.com/RRmZBsxwvt4AAAAC/there-she-is-star-trek.gif https://media.tenor.com/OF5sOmdQ5C8AAAAC/classic-back-to-the-future.gif https://image.nostr.build/0ad883966f1d4a67297d3a6540d5762886ad0c7ab18b9d18521dfb56a21c6f7f.gif
I'm starting to think the martial law was a cover and excuse to inject liquidity into their system...
You may be right. Never thought of that.
Kind of like the covid response. it was clear we were heading for a recession and massive global liquidity issue, a voila, fed money printer goes brrr.... I'm not saying covid wasn't real or anything like that, I'm saying they used it as a cover for the economic issues and a fantastic way to inject massive money. and here we are...
2025 will be crazy. https://media.tenor.com/l3wrynx_VlIAAAAC/infinite-loop.gif
I'm not matching wits with a Sicilian so I guess I'm getting into a land dispute in Asia?