I dislike telegram but this really sucks. https://image.nostr.build/61936fb9b624955903259e249b244a881f7ff61c8eea6225252f885b66f6255b.jpg
Soon, everyone including bitcoiners will have to toe the line and say the ABC 😐
Next, they'll go after 0xChat app
Facing 20 years in prison for not censoring users, Really Think About That For A Minute. nostr:nevent1qqsrffhqh3lueu7xh4havt4mwvm9ahdr09tdsv6khc9fjqn6lajmx6gpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsyg9gplz20p35acn2409vj5d5eltm26hp3w4ax0z6lh8khmtdeq8t6ypsgqqqqqqs4v3cqk
This is ominous. nostr:nevent1qqsrffhqh3lueu7xh4havt4mwvm9ahdr09tdsv6khc9fjqn6lajmx6gpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsyg9gplz20p35acn2409vj5d5eltm26hp3w4ax0z6lh8khmtdeq8t6ypsgqqqqqqs4v3cqk
Let's see if they can arrest nostr CEO either 😜
I am greatful for people who are willing to fight for freedom, because boy do they take a lot of crap. nostr:nevent1qqsrffhqh3lueu7xh4havt4mwvm9ahdr09tdsv6khc9fjqn6lajmx6gpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsyg9gplz20p35acn2409vj5d5eltm26hp3w4ax0z6lh8khmtdeq8t6ypsgqqqqqqs4v3cqk
All of the gooberments of the world need to die off by 90% swiftly and painfully. I’ll take a nuclear war. LFG
Gooberment strongholds will be the first to go*
Yep. Sounds like the charges are cover for something else he wouldn't help them do...
Wild they seem like they want to charge him for any crime committed by users through telegram.
I know, it's ridiculous.
Centralized app, centralized outcome. nostr:nevent1qqsrffhqh3lueu7xh4havt4mwvm9ahdr09tdsv6khc9fjqn6lajmx6gpzpmhxue69uhkummnw3ezumt0d5hsyg9gplz20p35acn2409vj5d5eltm26hp3w4ax0z6lh8khmtdeq8t6ypsgqqqqqqsqltsag
Dude has a lot of money and is well connected so I doubt he'll be in for long, still it sucks real bad