amicio: I wrap Minimus, in pyramide (a pyramid) and dressed as an Aegyptius, condit (mummifies) a leo (lion) by wrapping it in fasciae linteae (linen bandages). #LatinVerbs
@19bcf1ed But can he Walk Like an Egyptian? “This is where they made the mummies, old boy!” Minimus has been watching too many movies! (Although: Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz, who can blame him?!) I definitely missed out on PlayMobil when I was a kid…
@19bcf1ed Minimus: "Yay, done!" (distant rumbling) (a giant spherical boulder, straight out of Indiana Jones, rolls towards him through a corridor) Minimus: Aaah! (he dives through the entrance to the tomb just in time) (Minima is there, looking annoyed) Minimus: Where did I go wrong? I didn't do anything irritating, I befriended him before he died and mummified him. Minima: Dangit, didn't you read the warning carefully? It didn't say "NOLI IRRITARE LEONES." It said "NOLI CONDIRE LEONES".