no, nation states are a stupid idea, they should be way smaller decentralized communities of city states, who cooperate and keep the peace through free trade
So these city states should be able to have whatever type of #government they want as long as movement was free between them? I can see that. It's not quite #anarchy, but it could work. So some cities could be atheists and refuse to accept any creed and if you wanted your #God respected you could leave and go somewhere that agreed with you. That seems fair enough. I'm thinking this through. So you could have libertine cities where #people were free to live polyamorously , because that would be the same. If you want traditional families you just go somewhere else. And you would have Islamic and #Christian cities etc. I think I could buy that cheese :)
Everything is voluntary, think of them like big HOA/condo communities, many will have different customs and rules, private security, private courts Then multiple communities can pool resources to hire private military contractors to defend against other nation-states who aren't practicing anarchy, and if they do a bad job you can fire them and hire another contractor in a free market It's similar to having a government, but you can fire them, which is an important distinction
I suppose the problem arrives when you get people from other countries who like the ideas of one of your cities and that city wants to welcome them openly, but other cities don't want those cities growing too fast. Then you're back to square one :)