🫡 20th Century… https://m.primal.net/JtSy.jpg
When I was young…
And we memorized birthdays too... No app needed to remind us about it...and we used paper and pencil to make notes...And we were more coherent when having appointments 🙌🏼 And when traveling family members didn't hear from us for weeks and were trusting, that no news = good news... This used to be a kind of freedom and trusting in life 🤗
It was the best Jerry….the best!!!! Mom ran us outta the house after morning cartoons on weekends and we had to be home at dark (maybe a quick sandwich (usually processed meat💪🏽) for lunch) ….road bikes everywhere when we weren’t getting lost in building camps in the nearby woods Camping out in said nearby woods on weekend nights when the weather was decent…and we weren’t grounded from the stupid stuff we did on our last camp out😳🤦🏽 Wow we had it good🌅….WTF has happened to us???