Yeah. What drives me nuts, tho, is the idea that agile means the first releases are really buggy and you clean it up, later. Ummm. No. The DoD starts with the first increment. The increments differ by feature set, not quality.
yeah, features are the hardest thing to get right, the less the better working through this bluesky API is a nightmare because of their lack of moderation with features, and the naming scheme is so bad i could scream... i mean stutter stutter, and more stutter, and just throw in some more random meaningless words that you have to read their documents twice to even understand
I have been looking at agile very critically lately for that exact reason. No professional experience, but idk man
Well-done agile is extremely efficient.
I'm sure is efficient in development, but there is something about an app that's always in pre-release, deferring QA to the user. It's just incomplete and that's what bothers me I guess.