I figured out all of the config, I just hate the Esplora and how messy that thing is. Nip57 in the zapper should be not too hard too, just would want to simplify it a little (a lot) and use SQLite instead of PGSql (even if I have it already in a clustered configuration). Want to probably make address server completely serverless so I don’t have to host yet one more thing myself 🫡
Esplora is a dependency of LDK. I think in the future bitcoin core will also be an option directly. Regarding the DB: I think best is to use an ORM that abstracts it away and gives again options on how to run it. The queries should be simple and compatible.
Agree, drizzle is good for that. I am also aware about LDK needing esplora at this time, I’ll see if I can make a docker with the minimum possible dependencies and smallest possible footprint, but we’ll still need about 1TB of storage for the full set (bitcoincore + esplora lite)🫡