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 New findings that SARS-CoV-2 can directly infect and replicate in coronary arteries, promoting plaque inflammation atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular risk  https://nature.com/articles/s44161-023-00336-5 
Context here is very important. These were all older people (n=8) with pre-existing conditions, infected with the ancestral strain and mostly before vaccines were available (<May 2021). Some context for lay people and the extent to which these findings can or can't be generalized to our current situation would be helpful.

"The mean age was 69.6 years (median, 71; 59–84), and 75% of patients were male (6/8). Patients had coronary artery disease (8/8); three or more cardiovascular risk factors, such as hypertension (8/8), overweight or obesity (7/8), hyperlipidemia (7/8), type 2 diabetes (6/8) and chronic kidney disease (4/8); and some had a history of either myocardial infarction (1/8) or ischemic stroke (1/8)" 

That's what my CT showed even 2 years after the "mild" infection but the cardiologist said "it's impossible to have this kind of bad arteriosclerosis at this young age without a pre-existing illness, so it has to be an error in the CT scan"🤡
Aargh💥, and she, like all the other doctors, didn't draw a line to my #LongCovid symptoms. This gaslighting makes me speechless.