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 This is the real emergency. How are so few people paying attention to this? These numbers are insane.

The food and medical industry is corrupt to the core. They're slowly killing off anyone who isn't able to see this for what it is.

Find a good butcher or a local farm. Learn about fasting. Stop buying "food" from corporations and supermarkets.


Full discussion:

 That’s a very high number - what is it about humans that makes us  take instant gratification over everything else <me included, some times> it can’t all be advertising and choice Shirley ? 
 Corporations and government agencies have spent decades and decades studying human behaviour, and they use this information to manipulate us and take advantage of our tendencies. Couple that with ignorance and incredulity and it becomes relatively easy to get away with it. The propaganda campaigns are setup to repeat mantras and eventually people start parroting these things and believing them without question. On top of that, the shit they put in food is very addictive, and of course it tastes great so we keep consuming it.

'Breakfast is the most important meal of the day' - a lie fabricated by Dr. Kellog about a century ago that still persists in their marketing of highly processed cereals today.

'Safe and effective' or 'trust the experts' or 'believe in science', it's all a part of the scam. People can't fathom the idea someone would slowly poison us for profiteering from all angles.

It is the duty and responsibility of people to inform themselves about this stuff in order to protect our loved ones. 
 Om point 🎯 
 Whathahell. I didn't know the Americans were so sick. 

 Fiat food is real. Ditch the slop. 
 somebody needs to invent a 95% effective vaccine for that  
 If you aren't focused on getting sun, lifting weights, & eating red meat & eggs then you are still letting the enemy destroy you, even if you are saving in #bitcoin & not allowing them to steal your wealth.
 Living in China opened my eyes to this (and many other things). While there, I was healthy, had incredible energy, looked and felt younger... When I came back, my health took a nosedive. In China, I ate whatever I wanted, at out, drank a lot ; here, I am Very careful to eat only "healthy" foods... and that's not enough. I'm aging like an American, hurting everywhere, I got hypertension, gaining weight. 

So here's something I learned about China - they refuse to import our GMO crops. Russia, too. China actually imports a lot of food, maybe most of it, but they absolutely refuse western GMO shit, and America hates them for it.  
 100% on supporting local farmers and businesses first. 
 If convid scam didn't wake people up to big pharma, then nothing will! Logan's Run anyone?? 
 I get all my beef from K & C Cattle. Tastes great and they accept bitcoin. Highly recommend. 🤙

 "He's such a radical extremist"

 Damn. Shipping is unreasonable.
 One of the reasons I moved to Austin is that they deliver to your house for $15. Doesn’t matter how much you order. 
 I order a huge box every month 
 Imagine reading this post and watching the video and still thinking "I need to get my meat shipped to me." 

SMH. Bitcoin is about supporting local and creating circular economies, not farming out your health to some distant farmer you'll never be able to "trust, but verify" yourself.  
 I plan on running my own node. This is how you get there: 

 Yes 🔥 
 holy shit, that's bad. 
 She is stating facts that nobody disputes.
 Agreed. This battle is just as important as having sound money. Best to go out and support your local farmers and ranchers. Avoid “food” that has a bar code. 
 I want to sit down one day and watch the full interview but Unfortunately this is nothing new. Trying to educate the masses is definitly hard but I don't think it's impossible. Where would you start? 
 No one is forcing food down huer throat 
 Jesus, that’s insane even if only 10% is true. 

 Thanks for this. Another thing: In 1950, despite "conservative" memes that suggest otherwise, Americans ate less meat, with middle and lower-income families often reserving it for special occasions or certain days of the week. It was much less of a staple then and was relatively higher-priced compared to other foods. One of the main trends since 1950 has been a fall in relative meat prices and a vast increase in meat consumption. Part of this was due to new "preservative" and "processing" techniques. 
 Meat isn't a political thing, despite how they may portray it as such. In 1950 people were still recovering from the effects of the wars, diet wasn't as much of a priority.

The quality of food in general has greatly decreased my very the decades, I would say it is at an all time low because of the mass involvement of corporations more interested in profit rather than quality.

I ate predominantly plant based for years. All I can say is you have to try it for yourself, and perhaps listen to some people have discussions and debates on the topic. 
 I fully endorse the carnivore lifestyle as the proper human diet to maintain and preserve a long healthy life for we humans.  
 Says the commercial of the meat industry.
World health organisation is voting for no more then two meals a week should be meat to be healthy. 
 Do you think it's possible that the World Health Organization (WHO) is corrupted by big grain / seed oil corporations in addition to big pharma corporations. Whose interest do you think the WHO is looking out for; the simple human or the corporations funding them?  
 People are pushed into eating meat because the nutritional content of veggies is much lower than it was decades ago. Meat usually packs much more, enabling you to be healthier.

The lower relative price of meat is actually bad for business. Its driven by importing, and the effect is that small ranchers go out of business, and the remaining incorporated mega ranches use the worst practices - the worst for animal well-being and the worst for nutrition. 

Both are caused by government. The government doesn't want regenerative agriculture, which would fix the nutrition crisis as well as restoring the environment, and they use preferential loans (part of interest paid by gov so the farmer pays less) to push farmers into growing certain things and in certain ways. The government wants farmers using pesticides and fertilizer because they are dual purpose technologies - if you can make fertilizers, you can make bombs ; if you can make pesticides, you can make chemical weapons. 
 I am strongly against the fact that gov has direct point on this. Maby Politicians get incentivised to support big food companies. But then Politicians are only the tool. But the real bad guys are the big companies. And the laws that let them pay politicians without transparency. We need a big wave of transparency laws for democracies to work. How is our voting system free if we do not know who is paying? 
 I agree we need transparency, but there's no difference between big corp and government. We've had perfect transparency before, and they simply changed the laws and now its all clear as mud - so if we fix the democracy, it'll just happen again. IMO, we just need to abandon this idea of representative assemblies - its predatory on the public and the best thing that can be said about it is that its slow. 
 Slow often is good. Since what are good rules today probably also are in 1000 years. But I also think that representative democracy could may in this decade becoma obsolete when there are good working evoting systems. Then Democracies should be possible where every person can vote about every single law. So every law has direct legitimacy in majorities. 
 I've seen a voting system built on bitcoin - forgot the name, though. It looked perfect. I think they said they're trying to get Guatemala to use it. 

Doing direct voting obsoletes the nation state. There's no good reason for the vote of someone outside of your community to have any bearing on your community. Small communities will have to become fully sovereign - and I'm all for that. No more empires, no more capital cities. 
 This would be great when all small minigovernments of small groups would start existing. Small communes that selfgovern and interact with other communities freely. But up to now I do not have a concept how they could free themselves from the current nation state, since every piece of land in this earth belongs currently to a nation state. 
 Easier now than before bitcoin. The nation state has proved over and over that it is incapable of controlling its debt. The reason it can't control its debt is because elected assemblies are inherently corrupt. Legislatures attract the most corrupt people. What are they going to do when the population isnt using their fiat, so they can't use debt to steal from the people? They'll turn on each other. Some will abscond with their ill gotten gains in the form of bitcoin, like African dictators with Swiss bank accounts. That's the moment that any prepared community can renegotiate the terms of their union. That moment will come over and over until all power has been renegotiated back to the local level. 
 democracy means "people power" and it goes to whoever controls the people 
 Lets hope for this and do our best to make it reality. 
 Learn to grow some of your own food. Sprouts take just a week! Learn to cook, serve, and eat whole foods.   
 I share the fact, that many are unfit and something is wrong. But I would say it is politicians, who are unable to prohibit high sugar baverage in schools.

The inability to just ban health threats. Since the market is obviously not solving it, rules have to. 
 Government are just doing the bidding of corporations at this point; they have more incentive to support corporations through lobbying than the people they are supposedly representing. 
 I think there need to be more transparency about politicians income. Every dollar needs to be publicly declared, where it is coming from. And if it is not clear it should go in the taxes directly. 
 I like the idea of zero lobbying, hard terms limits and regulations to prevent any collusion for anyone working anywhere near government. It's a total fantasy though. 
 It is important to keep up utopia. I just recently heard a great talk of a european politician. There he asks the crowd:
Who buys a ticket to enter the train?
Who would still buy the ticket if you are sure today there is no one controling anyone for tickets with a 100% certainty?

This second train is a democracy without transparency. Maby there would still be narcist in the politics when there is transparency. But at least the voters have the full data for what they are voting for. 
 A lot of this is from the injectables.   
 Ok, I can understand it now after seeing this other post. nostr:nevent1qqsr9rctgtzzp2nnvwssqxp8zf0f0wvadn2ue2s8z4www58txsgus8cppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0qgsrhnzkx2jww5y48gspd7v34kx2avvvuafhhqhjtc3vp0fmjqpa3wqrqsqqqqqpw4myrx