Oddbean new post about | logout
 Good morning nostr.

Confession time.
I smoke a lot of cannabis. Too much. Unhealthy amounts.

For the sake of InkblotArt and my health, I will quit this habit and direct the funds into the InkblotArt project.

Thanks for your time and attention.
Your support means a lot to me. 🔥 
 Thanks Ralph! 
 You can do it brother 

 Thanks noderunner! 
 Your dreams are gonna get real vivid 👀 
 Unhealthy amounts 😂 okay webmd 
 I have COPD.
Smoking is pretty unhealthy for me, no matter the amount.
Also GFY. 
 Ya do edibles only then 
 Good luck! I used to do the same, but I quit 47 days ago. It was really tough for weeks, but I made it through. You can do it!  
 I love your art, Rex. I wish you all the best in overcoming your addiction. We'll be here for you 🙏 
 Thanks so much buddy  
 Everything in moderation, even Nostr 
 Good morning 👍🌞🫂💜☕️ 
 In Cuba for those addictions I told patients that instead of spending the money on that they should keep it and then spend it on something else they consider important, in addition to discarding all the objects that you can relate to adduction and looking for activities that distract you and help you not to think about it.

It’s difficult but many have achieved it , you can 
 Good morning Rex, good choice. 
For the body get yourself busy with good stuff and for the soul get some camomile tea 🍵 💪 
 I also smoke cannabis tons of it. All my art is influenced by weed. 
 You and your health are so important. Thank you for choosing them and making yourself a priority. 
You got this 💜 

You have my support. 
 You've got this Rex.
And we've got your back 🫂 
 Oh my god! Take care of yourself and your health too #Grownastr# 
 Please quit this habit ☺️ 
 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Proud of you 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 
 Good move!  
 Good decision fren!  You are talented enough so make use of it!