Oddbean new post about | logout
 And that is is where ultimately all the spam protection mechanisms of the internet rely upon. 
 Without a phone number you can't get an email from one of the big providers, without an email from one of the big providers you can't have a Twitter account or an account anywhere basically. Even the "no KYC" services pretty much rely on this unifying KYC layer that is provided by crazy telecom companies.

 Yeah and if you don’t have access to old number and try to change it on an account sometimes it won’t let you without providing an ID. Wild. 
 Là où certains États vont loin est que même pour obtenir un visa électronique de type ESTA ils ont osé rajouter sur leurs questions des cases pour indiquer si oui ou non nous avons un compte sur les réseaux sociaux, si oui adresse et nom du site.. Or il y a 2 ans ces cases n'existaient pas, et vous avez des revenus d'où ils proviennent...Toutes  ces conneries rajoutées vont à l'encontre des droits des citoyens. Puis dernièrement même si viud devrz faire des envois via les Western Union RIA ils ont rajouté des cases pour préciser les raisons et provenance précise  des fonds en plus des liens que vous avez avec le bénéficiaire. De ce fait vous pouvez vous trouver avec des envois éclairs même via des Apps bloqués vous indiquant de contacter votre banque   si vous contactez votre banque, elle vous renvoie vers le prestataire de service d'envois de liquide..le comble de toutes bêtises incommensurables vous pouvez être mis en relation avec un chef de services des prestataires de services d'envois de liquide en ligne qui vous redemande quel lien précis vous avez  avec le bénéficiaire encore et osent même soupçonner ou prétendre que le ledit bénéficiaire perçoit de l'argent d'autres personnes de son réseau. Expériences terribles et ils peuvent tout bloquer sur 24heures même s'il y a une urgence vitale.. C'est plus en résumé un suivi de la circulation des biens (argent).. Meta a été l'un des premiers à communiquer en France par tout l'argent que gagne un individu  sur instagram, Facebook, whatapps etc... Les Usa avec leur ESTA vont plus loin. J'ai récemment renouvelé le mien il se peut qu'arriver sur place je sois obligée de déclarer que j'ai un compte X, nostr, thread, ou nostr car certainemebt ils veulent savoir avec qui je réseaute et quels sujets.. L'Etat de droit est devenu si nébuleux que même les cours de droits ont été modifiés post confinements. Tous les profs de droits relatifs aux humains ont été modifiés par des amendements décrets etc de toutes sortes  qui contraignent tout droit individuel autant vivre en dictature tel que leur renvoient la Chine, l'Iran, l'Inde, l'Arabie Saoudite, le Venezuela voire Bukele qu'on stigmatise tels que des États non libres. 🗽A chaque  citoyen de suivre tous les évolutions des lois avant qu'elles soient actées par décrets et amendements     

 Turn your caps lock off you're not that cool 
 You also have no idea what you're talking about 
 But I can have a Twitter account using an email that i didn't use my phone number to create 
 We are early 
 Detesto KYC
Ele obriga a pessoa a manter um número que praticamente é inútil agora que tem internet porque já temos mensagenspa internet é só mais um custo
 Eu mesma nem uso chamada telefónica pra nada. 
 Not true. Try this: inbox.lt . You can also host your own email server and share it with your friends. 
 Right. You still need a domain. Then own email server is not an option. Then inbox.lt and similar are the only option. Or fake gov ID. 
 No need to fake anything, just use njal.la  
 It's probably gonna get blacklisted too, if it isn't already. 
Fiatjaf is right. I have tried all anonymous email services, and all of them, ALL of them, get blacklisted in the end, sooner or later, and you have to stop using them because the emails don't reach destination.  
 It has been working for many years and still does.
So do you want to have an anonymous email address to put it into registration forms, or do you want to use it to send spam? 
 First of all:  it's a trial service, free only for three months. Not really free. 
Also it requires phone verification. 
 No, basic mailbox is free forever. The phone number you can get by buying a prepaid simcard for cash or esim for btc lightning. 
 That's not what their website says. 3 months it says. Maybe you got a deal before they started doing that. Not free anymore.  
 I just created a new mailbox for myself. No word about any trial periods, like good old times. Just create an account. No mail+, no ad skipping, no extras.
I hope they do not differentiate by IP location. But if they do, just go via Lithuanian VPN. 
 Might be, don't know. 
That's a nice workaround, however a violation of their terms of service.  
 :) I doubt they ever read their own terms that they either copied from somewhere or some onetime hired lawyer wrote.
It should be hard to be a revolutionist with an attitude like that. Then you should never be speeding, paying all the taxes including bitcoin capital gains, and so on. 
I don't even know the law nor many rules. I just assume I am breaking them with everything I do or don't. It makes life simpler and leaves many braincells at rest. Also helps to avoid trusting and be dependent on anyone. 
 Also KYC involved in purchasing a domain. Makes me wish there was a nip-5 alternative.
Fidelity bonds like with join market make more sense to me.  
 Domain names are not only an issue for individual's NIP-5 IDs but more importantly all nostr webapps and media content are served by domains whose owners can be made accountable and coerced into blocking content.  
 Also something of concern. 
Seems to only be a threat to the "other Stuff" though. 
I don't think it would take long from the first few examples of that for clients to start optionally displaying content from tor sites.  
 Tous ces aspects ont été balisés lorsque et la plupart de ces lois ont eu pour origine la France déclinée au niveau européen, je pensais que Biden à son arrivée au pouvoir, étant un homme de lois n'allait point faire passer  Kyc qui a été bien eu comme origine la France encore sous le coup  de chocs émotifs suite à des attentats' au nom de la Sainte protection de citoyens et du bien commun ils ont créé tout un  systèmes très restrictifs au regard de la liberté individuelle qui hélas disparaît pour le Tous avec les désagréments de la dénonciation entre pairs pour le bien..de tels sites émergent de jour en jour comme lors de la période entre les 2 premières WW.  
 Use https://njal.la 
No KYC, pay with Bitcoin.  
How do they handle icann registration?
If you just own it by proxie is it really yours?  
 Regular registrars don't make you the real owner of anything either. 
It's the same thing in practice, except for the extra privacy. 
Pretty cool.  
 i'm looking very closely at this

 @kycnotme by @pluja has a nice list (and a big pending list) of KYC-free services. 
 Demandez à strike ou block inc  Coinbase ou Binance comment ils font avec Bitcoin, les autorités des marchés financiers de chaque pays et comment les utilisateurs font pour des transactions liées aux besoins simples coûtant quelques Sats sur des usages modiques au niveau  des petits portefeuilles peut-être c'est rien usagers !! Pour les grands Holders ils préfèrent la gardée et l'amassement en ayant espoir que Bitcoin sera *l'argent *en attendant ils travaillent avec comme des traders de Wall Street  avec peu de filets de sécurité... Tous ce qui sont tombés en 2023 furent dans ce type de cas sans filets de sécurité, engendrant une surveillance  de plus en plus soutenue des États  sur les transactions et recueils de Bitcoin par les États en cas de dépôts de bilans  
 #Handshake is now the established root zone, taking ICANN out of the equation for domains and online identity. Use a #HNS wallet such as bobwallet to setup a domain and anybody who uses a HNS gateway can visit your website and send Bitcoin using your Handshake name. More info at handshake.org and namebase.io 
 Get rid of phone numbers.
 That's harder than you imagine. 
 While I agree with the sentiment, no phone required for Protonmail and I’ve yet to find anywhere that won’t accept a proton address (I admit I haven’t set up a Twitter account in a while, so maybe that’s a blocker) 
 That's because it's a honeypot.  
 That's because Protonmail is a honeypot.  
 Well yes, there is the possibility that they really are all out to get you. 
 I do not use big email service providers. I run my own email server. Even if you cannot run your own email server, there are plenty of email providers which do not require you to provide a phone number. But I do not recommend people to use any big or small email service provider but to run own email servers :) 
 Running an email server is kinda bullshit though cause of all the SPF and DKIM DNS stuff,  DMARC reports you gotta keep up with, plus they gotta have static WAN IP, and will start with low reputation score so Gmail et al will filter messages until enough recipients tell them its not spam.

But if like a steep learning curve and lots of maintenance then go for it.  (I use mailcow dockerized in a VM on my local on prem server) 
 This, unfortunately.

I run docker-mailserver, but I also have a paid forwarding / delivery service for when I need to interact with Gmail users and big corporates. 
 Hi! I'd like to help you connect the two services (Docker-Mail and your forwarding / delivery service). It's great that you want to leverage Docker to provide support for both use cases!

Because Docker is a container-based platform, you can deploy a new instance of the Mail server within one of these containers, which means it’ll run within your Docker host without having to set up another machine. It also gives you flexibility in terms of configuration and customization – each mailserver runs on its own dedicated IP address, which makes it much more powerful than using the Gmail API or other common forwarding services that work via email protocols.

Now coming to your specific situation, there could be a couple of reasons you’re looking to set up Docker in your environment:
1. Security concerns (more secure and controlled system).
2. Ability to maintain custom configuration/settings.
3. To keep all settings in sync and manage from one place instead of having to manage them each individually in different locations.
4. For load-balancing and easy scaling – Docker makes it very easy to spin up new instances without the need to worry about setup and downtime. 

Here’s an example configuration of your forwarding / delivery service (you can adjust the ports as per your preference):
version: '3'
    image: myorg/docker-mailserver:latest
    container_name: myorg_docker_mailserver
    command: ["--port", "1120", "docker-mailserver", "forwarding"]
       - "/etc/nginx/conf.d:/etc/nginx/conf.d" : /usr/share/nginx/html/:/etc/nginx/
        condition: service_healthy
- `command: --port 1120,docker-mailserver,forwarding` tells Docker to use the container's ports 1120 to expose it on the local machine for web traffic. 
- In 'networks':, 'default' and '/etc/nginx/conf.d', volumes will mount the mailer folder on host from the container and host file mapping to your forwarding service on the local machine. 

Forwarding Docker mail to an SMTP server via Postfix is a popular way of achieving this kind of configuration and has great integration with other tools like Dovecot for sending emails. Here’s how you might achieve that:
docker run -d --network mail_net --name my_mail -p 1123:113 --volume /home/dockeruser:/mnt -e DOCKERMAIL_CONFIG=/etc/master.cf myorg/postfix:latest
Note the command-line flags, `-d` (Run in the Docker daemon), `--network` (Name your network) `mail_net`, `-p` (Port binding for local use), `-v /home/dockeruser:/mnt (Volumes for host directory to /var/mail on the Docker container. Use the exact path, because the docker API treats / as a relative path - this makes things work faster. In production, you may want to map host directory into Docker and then bind-mount it into mail_net so your volumes don't collide), `/etc/master.cf`, myorg/postfix:latest for Postfix service.
Also remember that running docker containers on port 1123 may result in binding the port number to the local IP address (, this can affect performance when multiple containers are trying to access your mail server at the same time. 
 Is there a self hosted email solution? @Start9 https://image.nostr.build/a121a90a2689c27a568ec9b4ef90eb5d75bf2dedc1e546a6d700ca14252929b0.jpg  
 MailCow Dockerized works great for me 
 Love my mailcow server.  
 I use Yunohost. Comes with a mail server.  
 Pretty sure synology has the goods, but I've not set it up on mine.  
 Crazy telecom providers already block the word: "Bitcoin", on all A2P messaging. 
 Teachers are up in arms in my district over 2F authentication. They don't want to use their personal phones. So now the union must fight it out with NY state dept. If education.  
 I use my own mail server, it works fine with twitter and every other site.  
 @fiatjaf setup your own provider without KYC. NostrMail 
 But I hate email! 
 Why? Making nostr compatible with old tech like email can speed up adoption. 
 Les règles RGPD qui normalement étaient créées  pour recadrer les GAFAM n'ont fait qu'empirer la donne en acceptant ou declinant des cookies voire les paramétrer par choix mais à condition qu'un usager normal  connaîsse   réellement les  noms de tous les partenaires dont les identités sont toutes aussi nébuleuses infine il accepte par contrainte pour accéder à l'information, l'usage en ligne  ... Un monde de dingue je préfère le Web d'avant et pour le P2P j'ai des doutes en termes d'éthique de responsabilité  
 What they want is a "post-paid" number because it is tied to national identity number (SSN/SIN). At the same time, the telcos lose all your account info every few years. And by doing so, your precious "never share" identity info is meaningless because everyone has it.  There needs to be real enforcement and penalties for losing your info that you can't change. Like very punitive to the point the companies no longer want your data. 

Since this will never happen, I am down the path of just not sharing data. I don't do business with companies that demand this info for service. Prepaid should be the default, I'll decide to extend credit for a month or not. At worst, the company goes bankrupt and I lose a month's money sent to the company. 

Post-paid and anti-fraud is a scam. I worked in this industry and it's all snake oil. No matter how much companies spend on this crap, their fraud rates don't change. KYC is a failed joke. KYC is about control, not stopping fraud or crime.  
 Prepaid also requires full KYC in Brazil. 
 KYX/AML is about control, not fraud. https://www.effectiveaml.org/the-biggest-problem-with-aml/  this guy wrote an amazing paper about how ineffective KYC/AML is around the world. Now he's turned it into a business. 

Lot's of places require KYC for prepaid, because otherwise "terrorists" win or something. Genuflect to the USA Patriotic Act first please.  
 in #madeira  you can buy a vodafone sim that is good for a month at the airport without ID 
 spam protection is not working very well 
 You already can use your nostr address as email address and receive and send emails as DMs on Nostr.

Available for registered users here:
