Oddbean new post about | logout

Internet safety for kids cannot be discussed enough. It’s changing by the minute and there are many dangers. 

We talk often, as a family, about internet safety. No chatting on games, don’t send personal information to anyone, watch for scammers in your email, etc etc. 

I walked by, while the younger ones were playing a battle of sorts on the computer, checking if the chat function was off. I got a bit of an eye roll and a ‘mom it’s fine, this guys name is #bitcoin’! 😂

As well, I just got a notification that one the teenage things downloaded Instagram - he got around parental controls and our filter. One of his three followers doesn’t have very many clothes on, which means… I have a situation to deal with! 

Stay vigilant folks! The world is after our kids!

 It’s an X rated world we live in and you will never be able to keep your kids (me too with mine) from exposure to it and from the rest of life that exposes them to it. All you can do is talk to them about it. Lead by your example. For instance, don’t watch porn yourself while you tell them how bad it is for them. It wouldn’t serve anyone in the situation very well if they came in and saw you watching porn. By no means am I saying you watch porn here, just using it as an example. Another example would be if you tell your kids they can call you to pick them up from a party because they were to drunk to drive and there would be no questions asked and then you ground them for being drunk. 
 Totally agree! That relationship and  openness starts when they’re little. A child who got a strip tore off them the night before for being home five minutes late, likely isn’t going to call that parent if they are in trouble, need a ride, et al. 
 What you described is just bad parenting, nothing to do with how crazy the world is.
It is true that as parents we have little influence on our kids as they absorb much of it from school and the environment, we have the ability to control what school they go to and what environment they get exposed to though.  
 The ability and responsibility. I do think it’s impossible to control their environment exposure 100% of the time, but it’s definitely more so than when it’s left in the hands of others! 
 I very much agree.

Is #nostr a place for kids? 
 I very much agree, not even for underaged teens... which is kind of sad... 
 Was the internet ever intended for children? Or even imagined it would be used by them upon it's inception? 

#nostr may not be a place for kids currently but surely that will change over time 
 You're right. Many children would benefit a lot if parents, teachers, and researchers would stress the fact that, at least, social media is not for children... 
 Perhaps busying them with a #hobby *they like* will fill the hours of day? Hobbies are 'making things' compared to past-times. Hobbies can fill time after school, weekends, school holidays, a lifetime =>


 They’d be all over that! 
You have ‘something dot gov’ in your profile… now I think that all rc’s are just spies. 
 Have you looked at the .gov doc? It's about #Havana syndrome. When they say 'the brain is the new space of contention' the government means *your brain*. I'm not government, i'm actually actively hated by mine and others. Thank God. 

Btw, my government actively monitors my nostr account, against the law and my will.  
 I did yes. They can leave my brain alone as well!
But, I better stop talking about them then! 
Niiice people, niiiiice people. 
 For us Brits the 77th Brigade monitor social media, et al. Been going on years...sowing disinformation also. Nostr the latest in their cross hairs. Often wonder if and how many of the 77th actively post here. Attention first drawn to gov tactics online in early 90s with the Eschelon revelation. Ergo, avoided social platforms until Nostr was here.  
 They're actually supposed to only monitor foreigners and not #British citizens but get around it by saying the person they're monitoring isn't explicitly a UK citizen on their profile.  
 Else they get one of their 5 eyes partners to do it in their name. And vice versa. Makes my blood boil! 
 Btw...Havana syndrome...very suss.  
 It's being used in the #UK now and so is #EMERALD


 I'd be interested to learn what tech they have and its capabilities we are not told about.  
 If ignorance is bliss, I’d rather not know.