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 right wing media is totally under Israel's thumb

Israeli Newspapers bragged that Breitbart was "born in Israel"

people who worked with Shapiro said he received orders directly from Bibi.

@M. Dilger 
 Yes, when you think of Shapiro as a kind of Mossad or IDF handler for various Western figures, including Elon Musk, the whole thing including his meteoric rise to media dominance makes sense. 
 my mother is a typical MAGA idiot - i have to manually go through her Twitter and block all the Isreali agents she is following

literally everybody she used to follow - Shapiro, Peterson, Glenn Beck, General Flynn and so on - is sucking Israeli cock HARD - i blocked them all

i literally asked her how she was able to to achieve 100% rate of following only Israeli Shills - she said she doesn't remember any of them talking about Israel - she followed them based on other issues.

of course Trump himself is the biggest servant of Israel of them all.  i didn't block him because i decided that would already qualify as me abusing my mother, but i certainly wanted to block that Orange Faggot who recently said he would Obliterate Iran, while never saying a single word in defense of Palestinians.

Israelis somehow have American MAGA Boomers locked down.  Their control is absolute. 
 Fuck his VP pick JD Vance. He's a poojeta lover.  
 Shapiro is a sharp kid but he is not likable and he isn't populist either.  He just pushes Israeli talking points and because the entire system is 100% run by Jews they can promote whoever they want to the top so they choose to promote whoever is most Jewish and most Pro-Israel.

Shapiro for example said that Rachel Corrie was one of the biggest idiots in history - she was an American Activist murdered by IDF when they deliberately ran her over with a bulldozer while demolishing Palestinian homes - there was a huge backlash to Shapiro saying this but he never recanted and to this day keeps doubling down on this position.

and why should he recant ?  In Israel Christians are spat on and Christians still worship Jews.  here is Shapiro spitting on Americans basically telling them they are Israel's dogs and they still worship him.

i'm sorry to say but my mother has no brains - like a headless chicken - and so is every other MAGA boomer.  these people DESERVE to be spat on. 
 Yes the United States is targetted by Israel. This is why so many people in the United States are pro-Israel. They spend massive amounts of money to keep America on their side, and I believe also probably have blackmail on a bunch of people (there is no way congress is entirely pro-Israel, somebody is surely being blackmailed).

But interestingly, most other countries are not being targetted by Israel. You will see a very different perspective from the US/Israel perspective in many other countries. And the UN walkout when Bibi did his speech kinda shows how most of the world sees things very differently... those countries where Israel didn't spend the time and money to deceive. 
 parasites like Jews are not interested in Third World Shitholes

they only want to control the centers of political and military power, which means United States

and within US they want to control the centers of power and influence such as Banking, Media, Hollywood, Academia 

it doesn't matter if 90% of countries are with Palestine - all they can do is walk out - which is to say all they can do is nothing 

having a good heart is not a winning strategy.  90% of people can't even identify the enemy ( Jews ) let alone formulate a strategy to defeat them.

i am the only one who proposed such a strategy - uncoordinated targeted assassinations.  thousands of lone wolves each acting 100% independently.  the time to do this is running out as soon they will simply slaughter us all as they did in other communist regimes.