Oddbean new post about | logout
 Do you have the WoT filter on ? 
 Im now in a cozy little bubble of 2 paid relays and a WoT relay. 

Spam is gone. 
 We have WoT filtering on client


No wot relay needed 
 Im using this too. 
 I wouldn't give a retard a rifle for three weeks. or a tranny. 
 彼氏〜 💯 
 Go zap someone today for no reason (Not me 👍 find someone else) 
 sounds like you need to get Wired (.app) 😀 
 Hmm. Something like this would be nice to have in Amethyst 🥹 
 i wish the desktop clients were as good as the mobile ones :( We wouldn't even need WoT relays if we could filter spam on the clients. (and AFAIK, that's the spirit of nostr, everyone is free to see or hide the spam as they see fit) 
 I wouldn't give a retard a rifle for three weeks. or a tranny. 
 Billionaire investor warns of threat to democracy

Ray Dalio says he thinks the probability of civil war in the US is "low but cannot be dismissed". #press


 Sensor data: Temp 🌈 24.6°C, 💯 Humidity 65.3% 
 @TKay do you have friends filter on?

 Still in the notes and reply feed. Like at least 50 notes. 
 Hmm do you follow lots of hashtags?  You shouldn’t be seeing spam in notes & replies unless they are spamming hashtags. We don’t apple friend filter to hashtags yet, but we definitely should 
 No, not hashtags. Maybe i though it was in the notes. Its gone now. So im good. 
 judging from the baest to revolver migration it really seems like revolver will do this which is nice. i might play with this idea a bit when i feel confident i actually have the skillset to do so tho 
 Time waits for no man 
 Right.  I bet.  I’m 6’2” so no confidence problem there. 
 其实在加拿大的气候允许范围之内的好时光并不多。 💯 本以为入秋后天气凉爽适合户外运动,没想到这帮转基因蚊子🦟也是这么想滴。。。对我精准定位展开了密集攻击,而且攻势之凌厉、力度之大、剂量之毒辣都是前所未有…… 不禁要问:上帝为甚么要同时创造蚊子与比尔盖茨啊?😂 https://t.co/MmWnmrntCf https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1835472932564242433/vid/avc1/1920x1080/XuefnaZ-ZXXsQFD8.mp4?tag=16 
 ‚Efforts to 🌈 regulate the cryptocurrency 👍 sector have not hurt India’s adoption of the digital currency. In fact, the country 😂 now leads 🎉 the world on 😀 the 2024 “Global Adoption Index” 🌈 from blockchain 😂 research 😂 firm 👍 Chainalysis.‘ https://www.pymnts.com/cryptocurrency/2024/chainalysis-india-leads-crypto-adoption-despite-regulatory-pressure/ 💯 
 E a ciencia a temperanca, e 👍 a temperanca a paciencia, 😀 e 😂 a paciencia a 😂 piedade, #E #a #ciencia #a 🌈 #temperanca, #e #a #temperanca 💯 #a #paciencia, 😂 #e #a #paciencia #a #piedade, Y la ciencia 👍 es templanza, y la templanza es 🎉 paciencia, y 🤔 la paciencia es piedad, #Y #la #ciencia #es #templanza, 😂 #y #la #templanza #es #paciencia, #y #la #paciencia 🌈 #es 👍 #piedad, Et la 🌈 science 😂 est la temprance, et 🎉 la temprance est la patience, et 💯 la patience 🔥 est la pit, 😀 #Et #la #science #est #la #temprance, #et #la #temprance 💯 #est #la #patience, #et #la #patience #est #la #pit, E la 🌈 scienza temperanza, 🤔 e la temperanza pazienza, e la pazienza piet, #E #la #scienza # 🌈 #temperanza, #e #la 👍 #temperanza # 😂 #pazienza, #e #la #pazienza # #piet, 🔥 And 😂 knowledge is temperance, and 👍 temperance is patience, and patience is godliness, #And #knowledge #is 💯 #temperance, #and #temperance #is #patience, #and 🎉 #patience 🌈 #is 😂 #godliness, Und 😂 Wissenschaft ist Migkeit, und 🌈 Migkeit ist 🌈 Geduld, 🔥 und Geduld ist 🤔 Frmmigkeit, #Und #Wissenschaft #ist #Migkeit, #und #Migkeit #ist #Geduld, #und #Geduld #ist #Frmmigkeit, Na sayansi ni kiasi, na kiasi 🔥 ni saburi, 😂 na 😀 subira ni ucha Mungu. #Na #sayansi 💯 #ni #kiasi, #na 🌈 #kiasi 😂 #ni #saburi, #na #subira 😀 #ni #ucha #Mungu. Dan 🤔 ilmu pengetahuan 💯 adalah 🌈 pengendalian diri, dan pengendalian 😀 diri 👍 adalah 🔥 kesabaran, dan kesabaran adalah 💯 kesalehan, #Dan #ilmu #pengetahuan #adalah 👍 #pengendalian 👍 #diri, #dan #pengendalian 🔥 #diri #adalah #kesabaran, #dan #kesabaran #adalah #kesalehan, 🤔 
 Figure best case I 🔥 live 🌈 to around 95. Makes 🎉 47 halfway. Already feel like I have lived 🌈 3 or 4 lives to date. Be 🔥 true to 👍 yourself. Always be learning 👍 and 💯 training 👍 as if you would live forever. 
 GN 👍 
 酪梨有助減肥? 🤔 降低胰島素阻抗11因素,自然療法,柏格醫生 Dr Berg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G35TjhVocq4 relay.primal.net 
 SEN. SCHUMER: "I was just briefed by the Acting Director of the Secret Service. I applaud the Secret Service for their quick response to ensure former President Trump’s safety. There is no place in this country for political violence of any kind. The perpetrator must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law." 
 SEN. SCHUMER: "I was just briefed by the Acting Director of the Secret Service. I applaud the Secret Service for their quick response to ensure former President Trump’s safety. There is no place in this country for political violence of any kind. The perpetrator must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law." 