#MutualAid My incredible son is going in for top surgery in a month (pushed back from original date). Insurance covers the surgery, but not the extras. Things like gauze, medical tape, etc. And then there are nice to have things like a good support pillow, some treats, and $ for easy takeout to give me a break. Amazon wishlist: https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/2872W67RZI8D1 Paypal campaign: https://www.paypal.com/donate?campaign_id=ZXAK5JKERNM7U Anyone who donates, or buys (and lets me know) is entered to win a knitted frog. #Trans https://stockroom.wandering.shop/media_attachments/files/111/121/148/499/460/547/original/119eccd4f3658e7a.png