Oddbean new post about | logout
 If you run a business you should hold your own keys and use coinjoin so competitors cannot track how much you are spending and earning. 
 Awareness. Everyone must do that
 This is what I do. 🤙 
 I agree with you Odell!  Thanks for the advised! 
 Businesses will be rugged by Suits.
Until they learn to hold their own keys. 
 what about local accounting law? even in salvador example 
 YES 👇
 Great advice! 
 Better use Monero and store Bitcoin. 
 While holding own keys is universally advisable, I think that coinjoin would be unnecessary distraction. Simply focus on business instead, no? 
 I have had similar thoughts on orange-pilled governments. You'd want transparent gov spending as a citizen, except for crucial sectors like defense. Can you imagine govs coinjoining... 
 Wuao need to read this 
 Off topic but I just finished Mandabiles, it was a must read. Yes coinjoin is a great idea, fuck FINCEN. 


