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 Atomic clocks are so precise they can measure the gravitational time dilation difference within atoms one millimeter away from each other.

Just listened to this podcast with Ivette Fuentes where she is devising experiments to probe quantum gravity effects using atomic clocks and entanglement. Interesting stuff.

 Did you know about the Attosecond laser project?

It won the Nobel prize for physics in 2023.

N.B. There are more attoseconds in a second, than there have been seconds in the life of the Universe (13.8Bn years).

Using the 4 attosecond laser, it is now possible to "photograph" the electron spinning around the nucleus.

 Oh no.. not another rabbithole to fall down into... 
 You really have to like science for listening such a podcast. 

Can you shill some science podcasts? 
 I like Theories of Everything, Quanta podcast, sean carroll. I need more tbh, I only have a small list I follow atm. 
 Tried Tokcast?  
 were you following  the new pi formula discovery through string theory a few days ago ? 
 no but that sounds interesting, makes sense that pi would show up in closed loop of strings! 
 apparently they found a new connection between string theory and quantum field theory, under certain open superstring condition (beta = 1) and might lead to new ways of understanding the quantum theories because it goes back to the first particles (tho my understanding of string theory is mainly based on sheldon cooper and the big bang theory sitcom!) 
 Thanks for the suggestion 👍 
 Wow, it’s hard to believe atomic clocks can be so precise. Super interesting. 
 Ok this is pretty cool!

 @jb55 shared an apple podcasts link - I missed it in my main nostr feed - but saw it in Fountain and because of open podcasting even though it was an apple podcast link Fountain can find the episode, show me the playable content card, and let me queue it up and download it!

 Owning a watch that syncs with near by atomic clocks OTA is pretty awesome really. #watchstr https://i.nostr.build/zuG4kSLXNddKVZM2.jpg  
 can realign incentives and get more smart minds focused on fundamental research and moving humanity forward and against entropy. Less minds working on selling more shit and fiat ping pong games. 
 LOL that the Apple podcast link is appearing on the comment section of my fountain podcast app I mean nostr social feed I mean v4v Lightning wallet I mean whatever I love Nostr. And podcasts.

Also, Will, that’s f’in crazy. Thanks for the recommended listen 🤙 
 I like this 
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