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 Japan and Korean stock markets hitting circuit breakers. Bitcoin tapping below $54k.

Basically it’s goblin-land in terms of western liquidity on a Sunday night as eastern stuff blows up.

 Do you see this massive sell off continues this week? 
 This stuff can take a while to shake out and can go a lot lower, but I’m going to buy a tranche of coin here. 

 so, this isn't the fight club?        my bad!   lfg/ 
 Race ya 🤙 
 Signal vs noise, I like this. 
 Lyn - are there any changes to your premium subscribers model portfolio for today/Monday?  I have been waiting for a opportunity to open my positions per your M1 model portfolio and this looks like the week for it! 
(am a premium subscriber)
 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 yes Lyn 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 
 Tell me more about this goblin land. 
 Thx Lyn 
 Riding the 🌊 
 Upping the DCA 
 Wait until they find out where the exit door is... 
 What's "goblin land?" LOL. Asking for a friend. 
 haha i was thinking the same thing 🙈😝 
 Arguably just removing the unexpected gains of 2024 that were the result of the BOJ choosing to torch their currency rather than helping their people retain purchasing power. Sadly such is the Japanese way
 The yen carry trade , where the lower yen rates vs the dollar were exploited by borrowing yen to buy higher yielding  treasuries and pocketing the difference almost risk free , has blown up. This was a huge source of profits for decades in the west, paid for by the productivity of the Japanese salaryman. The west tried to shore up their bombed out  balance sheet by seizing Russian resource assets, the richest in the world and then claiming back Chinese manufacturing industries, by war. Plunder and war and financial chicanery is all the west knows. And now its over,  the west has lost everything. The shithole will disappear under the waves. 
 rest in piss 

 Stock market, crypto market all red https://m.primal.net/JoeQ.jpg 
 I found some dry powder today and fired my #Bitcoin buy canon proudly. Fuck 'em.